Chapter Three- Meeting a werewolf

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I kept staring at him as he stood there like an angel from heaven.

"What's your name?" He asked suddenly.

That brought me out of my daze, I shook my head and cleared my throat.

"M-my name is Martha." I stammered, my cheeks felt really hot.

I just noticed that his shirt was off, it broadcasted his broad shoulders, and his 8 pack. I quickly looked away as he started to chuckle.

"Well, I can see that you are clearly a Vampire, your red eyes show it, along with your pale skin, and the non aging on your skin. You are different than the other Vampires I have encountered."

He came towards me slowly, I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. "And you didn't try to defend yourself, even if I was going to kill you, why is that?" He asked me, he skimmed his hand on my face.

"I am a new born, I was just turned yesterday, unwillingly." I said quickly. I continued to look at him.

"So that's why you are so different."

I just nodded my head. In a distance I heard howling. Cali turned around and swore under his breath, he faced me again.

"I have to go, meet me here tonight." He changed back into wolf form and bounded away. He stopped abruptly and faced me again. He threw his head back, his ears pinned onto his head, and howled a deep c note. He stopped and went further into the woods.

I stared after him, my eyes widened. I took a deep sigh and went back towards the small like village.

"Are you alright? I heard howling, and I saw you go into the woods, and you reek like a wet dog tackled you. What happened?" My maker asked looking me over.

"Yes a huge wolf tackled me and was about to kill me, but I rubbed its head, it got off of me and bounded into he woods."

My maker continued to stare at me non stop. I signed and continued into the house. I went into the bathroom and looked myself over, my eyes were a pure dark red, and my face was extremely pale. My long black hair really looked black against my skin. I sniffed myself and sure enough I smelled like wet dog. I turned on the shower.

The warm water slide down my body like a waterfall. A faint knock sounded on my bathroom door.

"Hey I'm coming in." My maker's voice sounded.

"No, don't come in!" I said quickly. I ended my shower and put on a towel. Once I got out of the shower, sure enough my maker was standing there, eying me.

"I said to not come in" I stared at him crazily.

"This is my home I can do what ever I want." He stepped closer to me, an evil smile crossed his face.

"Well can you get out so I can get dressed??" I asked grabbing my clothes.

"You can dress in front of me, there's no problem here." He crooned as he continued to come closer to me.  Uncomfortable I shoved past him, and headed towards my room. He followed close behind me, his smile fading away. I closed the door and locked it quickly, he banged on the door, sending me threats. I quickly put on my clothes and sat on the bed. He finally stopped and went away. I took a deep breath in relief, remembering my abusive x boyfriend.


I stayed locked in my room as he banged on the door, cursing under his breath as he tried to pry the door open.

"You better open this door girl." He screamed. I stayed where I was tears stained my tank top as I rocked back and forth. He finally stopped banging on the door, I heard his heavy footsteps echo down the hallway. I sighed in relief, I relaxed my muscles.

Then I heard him running, next thing I new the room door busted open. He looked like an angry monkey ready to attack its prey. He came towards me and grabbed me, slamming me onto the bed. My phone was in my hand, the number 911 was dialed into it.

He continued to punch me as I continued to scream. I heard the operator faint voice on the phone, I just knew I would be saved. Not another second passed by, the front door was banged open, 4 police men tackled him onto the floor.

"You fucking bitch! You will pay for this!" He screamed at me. I just looked at him, rocking on that bed.

*Present day*

I continued to sit on that bed, rocking uncontrollably. 

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