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Senior year was a blast and full of memories as I found to be the most wonderful guy I have ever met. Being at the University of Memphis I was Majoring in Graphic Design and had Photography for a Minor, I've always had a keen eye for art. One day as I was walking around campus taking photos for the Campus Community Album, I bumped into this guy and knocked all of his papers on the ground.

"Oh, I am so sorry, I did not see you!" I proclaimed as I turned to help him pick up his things.

"Man, it's all good, are you ok?" He replied, he smiled at me and looked me directly in my face. I could have sworn that he was trying to sway me in or maybe I was just tripping.

"Um, yes I'm good, once again I am so sorry about all this." I said very nervously. He looked at me while continuing to smile at me.

"Like I said man, I promise you it's all good, but um, I'm going to be late for my next class see you around sometime?"

"Of course, but I never got your name!" I replied.

"Sorry, my name is Terrance Brown and what is yours?" I smiled back and replied,

"James, James Trinidad" He seemed as if he wanted to say something more but he didn't, we shook hands and he nodded before saying goodbye and then he walked away. I could not believe I had almost made a complete embarrassment of myself, but I continued to take more photos and tried not to think about how cute he was. The next day I was headed to the Photo Lab, when I happened to see him again, looking just as cute as yesterday I pretended that I did not see him, but to my surprise he approached me.

"Hey James, what's going on you remember me? I looked at him and smiled shaking my head.

"Of course, Terrance Brown." His eyes lit up when I said his whole name, and right then I knew that I had his attention. He ended up asking me out on a date, which I was hesitant about but I decided to go anyways. He picked me up from my dorm and we ended up going to see a movie and had dinner afterwards. It was really amazing to see how much we had in common and the goals we were trying to achieve. His Major was in Business Technology but from the way he looked you would have never guessed that he was into business and not sports, which had my full attention. I had never been on such an interesting date in my life, he made me laugh and blush the whole time we were together. After our first date, we hung out more and more. Eventually we got into a relationship, less than a year later we Graduated and began our journey in our career choice. We both worked for different companies making enough to just make it thru to the next paycheck. I started doing a lot of Photography for Different events in the city until I saved up enough money to lease a small studio space to display my work. Terrance was helping me with my business until we had an argument about the direction the business should go in. Fast forward to a year later, business was booming and I was making enough to hire a few Graphic Designers as well as open an Art Gallery next door to the Photography Shop. Once I opened up the Art Gallery, things between Terrance and I became more and more complicated by the day. Although I did spend a lot of time at both Businesses, I still made time for him.

I bought a beautiful 5-bedroom 3 bath house in North Memphis, it was absolutely amazing and the best part was that it was only 20 minutes away from The Photo Shop.

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