"Back Home"

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After spending the weekend in Dallas, I didn't think I would ever want to be back home. It was sort of bittersweet saying goodbye to our 'new 'friends' but I have a business to run. We promised to keep in touch and that we will try to see each other in our cities soon. Mitchell was out with his sister, he said that he wanted to make sure she was eating and taking care of since his mom pulled that lil stunt she pulled. I was currently sitting in my office trying to figure out if I wanted to order more paintings or just create some of my own which would be cheaper.

"Hey James." Someone said from my office door. I looked up to see Kayla standing there with mitch. I pulled off my glasses and smiled at her.

"Hey Kay Kay!!!!!!!! What's going on?" I said motioning for her to sit down.

"I'm good, it's good to see you finally since My brother doesn't shut up about you." She said taking a seat.

"We have met before when you were here with your mother but I guess this is official huh?" I said laughing and she nodded. "What brings you to this neck of the woods?" I ask sitting back in my chair.

"Mitch was just riding around and I asked him to bring me up here to see you."

"Ok, how much do you want?" I said smiling because I knew there was no way that she was just going to come up here without wanting something.

"Oh wow, you must be physic huh?" She said laughing. "Well there is this dance coming up and I want this dress but mom and mitch said they wouldn't get it for me."

"Interesting...... what's the catch?" I asked. She pulled out her phone and showed me the dress. It was short in the front, long in the back, and looked like it was going to be skin tight on her. "I can see why they said no but I tell you what I will do, I will talk with your brother and see if I can convince him to let you get it."

"Thanks James, I knew you was good people." She said smiling.

"Why don't you go get him and tell him come see me." She jumped up and ran out the door. I knew it was going to take some persuasive convincing in order for Mitch to let his 13-year-old sister get a dress that was beyond her years.

"James, I don't wanna hear it, she is not getting that damn dress." Mitchell said barging into my office.

"Ayy chill out with all that." I said laughing. "At least hear me out first before you jump down my throat." He stood there with his arms folded looking at me. "All I'm saying is the dress is cute and this is her first dance so you should take that into consideration."

"James, that dress leaves nothing to the imagination, I don't feel comfortable with her wearing that kind of dress with all those nickel slick ass boys dancing all over the place."

"I understand your point but if yo trust your sister then it shouldn't be a problem." I said getting up from my desk. "I'm going home for the day, I'm tired and sleepy" I walked over to Mitchell and hugged him. "Think about it....... Love you...... bye Kayla."

"Love you too and I will see you later on." Mitchell said before kissing me.

"Bye James." Kayla said, I walked out the door and was about to leave out when Mitchell stopped me.

"Hey, Roman is on the phone for you, and you didn't lock your office." For some odd reason I became nervous as hell. I knew he said he wanted me to do an event for him but I didn't think he would call himself. I shouldn't be nervous because we hung out almost the whole the time we were in Dallas but he still is a big artist and I'm still a huge fan of his. I walked back inside and went to my office, I sat at my desk and picked up the phone.

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