"The Unexpected"

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The summer had come and went, it seemed like just last week we were getting ready for the summer and now in less than a week school was about to start back up. We were still getting a lot of business but now I could take time off whenever I wanted thanks to Mitchell and his team. I hired a few other people to help take a load off of him and he welcomed the help. He had gotten a place not too far from here and he also made his first payment on the car. His mom still called me every so often but we still hadn't hung out. Vicky was coming down to visit in two weeks and said she was going to make it her business to tell Raelynn off but I wasn't going to let that go down. Mitchell said that she would call him but nothing changed in their relationship at all, they mostly argue about everything.

"Hey James, drinks tonight? Yea or no?" Mitchell asked as he was walking past my desk back to his office.

"Yea, you can come by after work and bring some food also."

"Ok I can do that." He went back to his office and I got back to finishing up my work I had left. We would hang out every Friday at my place because according to him, my house was comfy. Being around him help me get back to the old me that I was in college, he always kept me laughing at something if he wasn't talking shit about his mom and her dude.

Demarcus had gotten back from shooting Terrance engagement party and he did a great job capturing the event. I was no longer sour about the whole thing with him and his lover, in fact I went out and bought them a gift, granted it wasn't nothing extravagant but it was something. I was editing the photos when my office phone rang and I picked up to learn it was Vicky on the phone.

"Since when do you ignore my calls and text bestie?"

"I don't have my phone on me it's in my desk drawer but I do apologize beautiful." I said laughing.

"Yea I hear you but how is everything since we last talked? I know you said you don't work on weekends no more right?"

"Yea, it's been a while since I worked a weekend unless I'm doing a shoot somewhere. I had one in Jackson yesterday and Demarcus shot Terrance engagement party as well." I said still editing the pictures.

"You should fuck them up on purpose, I know I would." We both laughed.

"I thought about it but that would only mean I would give a damn and clearly I don't. I must say they make a very cute couple."

"A couple of bitches is what they are but I'm loving this new you usually you would find a way to get back at them but you took the high road instead, I'm proud of you."

"Yea I have come along ways since then but I'm in a good place in my life."

"That's good, but what you up to today?"

"Not much going to hang out with Mitchell later on at the house."

"Hmmmm....... So yall like a couple or something?" She said laughing.

"No, you know that boy is straight, he is fine and all but that would be weird."

"How will that be weird, you both grown and I know you have feelings for him so quit fronting like you don't."

"I do have feelings for him but not in a romantic way, I can't cross that line." I said trying to convince her and myself. Yea I was feeling something towards Mitchell but it could have been those feelings came from us spending so much time together, but I couldn't go there with him and besides he doesn't like me like that at least to my knowledge.

"All I'm saying is that yall really do act like a couple, yall go everywhere together, work together, and always talking and laughing with each other so there has got to be something there."

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