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Working these long hours was the worst decision I made, my body was tired, I was losing out on sleep and I had an attitude out this world. It may have something to do with Victoria moving this week and Elias was on leave until he left for college. He would step in every so often to help out but it was mainly me and the other associates handling the day to day business. I still haven't heard from Terrance, which I'm happy about because that means I didn't have to look at his ass. I was so glad to have Raelynn by my side when Victoria leaves because if not then I would be a complete shut in. I was finally taking the steps to move on with my life without the help of a man in it. Now that I've mostly gotten over Terrance I could see things clearer now, and not be clouded by love but in order to fully get over him this closure needed to be done. I was thinking about going home early today when my phoneline beeped, I looked at it and saw that it was Brionna's extension.

"Yes maam" I said after picking up the phone.

"Mr. Trinidad there is a Keith Walker here to see you."

"You can send him in and stop calling me Mr. Trinidad call me James please." I said hanging up the phone. I haven't seen or heard from Keith since he left my office that day, he had called to place his package details but never came in. I hope he didn't take what I said to heart but I meant every word I said, I was not in the market to entertain another nigga when I still hadn't got over the last breakup yet. There was a knock on the door and I had to mentally prepare myself before I told him to come in.

"Hey James, how are you today?" He asked extending his hand out, I shook his hand and smile even though I didn't want to.

"I've had better days but I think I'm ok." I said laughing. "Have a seat." I motioned for him to sit down and he did. "What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"I know I called and placed the package I want but I was also wondering could you also do the invitations as well?"

"Well of course I can, the package you chose comes with up to 100 invitations but you would have known that if you would have read the details." I said smiling with him.

"I know but you know black people don't ever read shit they see numbers and roll with it." He said laughing. "But I have some pictures of the lovely couple for you to use on the invites if that would help." He said handing me a Walgreens envelop.

"Yes, that would help out a lot, that means I don't have to schedule a shoot for them." I said taking the pictures out the envelop. I looked at them and almost collapsed in my seat, I was looking at pictures of my ex and his current lover. I looked up at Keith and he was looking at me confused.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine but I have a question....... Do you know who I am and did he send you here?"

"Umm your James and you own this joint as well as the Art Gallery next door but other than that no I don't know you and who is the 'he' that your referring too?" He was looking confused.

"Terrance, did Terrance sent you here?"

"No, my best friend did I don't know Terrance like that for him to be referring me anywhere."

"Ok, well your best friend has been in here before so that's probably why he mentioned us but Terrance is my ex and he cheated on me with your best friend." He sat back in his seat and looked at me.

"I knew that nigga wasn't everything he cracked up to be....... They been together for like a year now I think." When he said that I could have threw up in my mouth, Terrance been messing with this dude for over half our relationship.

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