"New York pt 2"

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(Photo shoot -Day 1)

Working with these assholes on Roman's team was a headache, I showed up a half hour early to help with the set up but when I got there nothing was set up the way how it was in the drafts I gave them. Roman hasn't made it yet and Mitchell was out getting the other location set up for me. After setting everything in place the way I wanted it to be, I went to the concession table where Jarret was sitting eating donuts with his greedy ass. He seen me walking up and he wiped his hands on a napkin and handed me an envelope. I looked in it and it was a check for $16,500, that was the remaining balance from the contract.

"I hear that you have something you need me to sign." He said smiling.

"Yes, it's the new contract." I said going into my photo bag and pulling out the contracts that were already signed by me. "Here you go." He glanced over them and sign them before handed them over to me. "The second one is your copy, and thank you for trusting my judgement and my work."

"You can thank Roman for that but anybody who he refers himself must be someone of importance to him and we have to trust him so that means trusting whomever that may be." He started to walk away before stopping and looking back at me. "Who knows this maybe just the beginning of things...... we may have more work for you for some of the other artist." I smiled back at him.

"Thank you so much, but I have work to do so if you will excuse me." I said before walking back to the set.

Roman finally showed dressed in the outfit I picked out for this particular shoot. I placed him in position and began shooting my best work to date. He was difficult at first with me putting him in the different poses but he soon loosened up and worked with me.

"Ok, now the car." I said motioning him to the car that was here for the shoot.

"Ok on it or in it." He asked.

"Ummm...... let's do both but these are the shots I want you shirtless on." He smiled at me and started taking off the shirt he had on. I snapped a few shots but something was off about these pictures, then it dawned on me, his body needed to be glistening. "Can I have some baby oil please?" I yelled out to the many assistants they provided for me.

"So, you saying I'm ashy James? I thought we were better than that." He said laughing, I flipped him off and grabbed the oil and towel from the girl that brought it over.

"Don't think this is weird but I'm going to oil you up for this ok?" I said walking towards him.

"You know you wanna rub all on my body anyway but Mitchell going to kick yo ass if he finds out." He said when I was closer to him and no one else could hear what he said. I started laughing.

"I couldn't help myself, you have invaded a many of my dreams at night but Mitchell is the only one that can invade my body so hold that noise and let's get this done." We started laughing while I rubbed the oil on his chest and arms. I couldn't lie and say that I wasn't turned on but I'm not the kinda person that messes around that's for them other thots. Mitchell was it for me and I was it for him and that is all I need in my life right now.

"Ok, let's go because we have a lot more work to do." He said nudging me off him and laughing. I dried my hands off and went back to shooting Roman in a bunch of different angles. Overall this part of the shoot went well and now it was off to the second location of the day, the it's another and we are done for the day.

When we got to the second location which was in the Bronx, Mitchell was waiting for us. He walked up to me and kissed me. We haven't seen each other since I left out at 7 this morning, I looked around the building and he had it set up just perfect.

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