"Back to Reality"

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I was back in the shop and back to work, although I don't regret anything that took place over the weekend, I was paying for all the drinking we did. I was sluggish and not being very productive, Mitchell on the other hand was being the ball of fire he was. He was running around getting things done, he was pushing out the back orders we had, and occasionally coming into my office kissing me. The downside to my great weekend was nobody in my shop got any work done and that pissed me off, but I had to suck it up. Vicky flew back to Ohio the same time everyone else flew back to Dallas, I was going to miss them, but I was glad they were gone so I can get some actual work done. I was getting up from my desk when I got an alert on my computer, I check it and it was a notification of incoming photos. I clicked it and saw that it was Terrance pre-wedding pictures, it slipped my mind that their wedding is next week. I got up and went into the graphic design room which was across the hall from Mitchell's office. Shaniya was sitting at her desk looking just as horrible as I felt.

"Umm, I need you to perk up maam." I said walking into the room.

"Your one to talk, you look like you about to crash at any moment." She said smiling.

"I just need some coffee, I didn't get any this morning....... I'm going to send you some pictures I want you to work on for me. I want you to give it everything you got because it not just your reputation on the line it's my name on it as well." I said looking her in her eyes.

"I know, and I promise you won't be disappointed....... You want me to send them to Mitch before I send them to you."

"Yea, that's fine since he is your immediate boss."

"Will do." She said before she went back to working. I walked over to Mitchell's office and went in, I sat in the new chairs we got for the offices and looked at him while he worked.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to have you on this desk in 2.5 seconds." He said not even looking up at me.

"Or I can have you against the wall in 1.2 seconds...... this isn't a game you wanna play with me." I said laughing.

"Is that a challenge sir?" He said finally looking at me. "What's wrong?" He said noticing the look in my eyes.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just worn out from everything that happened this weekend and I'm exhausted but I'm madder that nothing got done over the weekend and it's pushed us back again. Then everybody looking just as I am, and I can't be upset about it, but I want more than what they are giving out right now." I said sitting back in the chair.

"Don't worry, I will have a pep talk with them and as far as everything else goes, by tomorrow we will be caught up I promise. Now what I want you to do is go in your office and pack up your stuff and get ready to go home and rest. It's non-negotiable, I will take care of everything here."

"Mitchell do you know that I sign your checks and I........." I paused when he looked up at me. "Fine if I go home then everything here better be done by the time I get here tomorrow and that's not your boyfriend talking either." I said getting up and walking out his office. I went back into my office and close the door, I sat back in my chair behind my desk. I have told him several times about trying to run shit when it comes to me and how I run my business. I was tired and damn near about to crash but I have been here several times before, so I know how to get thru the day.

I was still sitting there trying my best to get my mind off the bullshit he just pulled when my door opened, and he walked in. I rolled my eyes and continued with what I was doing.

"What are you doing?" He asked walking up to my desk.

"I'm working what do it look like." I said looking at my computer.

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