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It's been a week since the breakup with Terrance and I am still feeling the effects of it. I would just stay in bed most days not even caring to get up for anything except to use the bathroom. I gave my all and he cheated on me, I should have paid attention to the signs but I didn't. Now I was laying here trying to figure out how I was going to make it without him. I knew I couldn't be depressed forever but as of right now I couldn't find the strength to stop crying. Business have still been functioning pretty well and I would do some stuff from home. I was feeling lonely staying in the house that was supposed to be a home for Terrance and me. I was flipping thru the channels on tv when my phone started ringing, I picked it up to see it was my assistant calling me yet again.

"Yes." I said answering the phone.

"Hi good morning, I was calling to remind you about the appointment you have at 9:30." Brionna said.

"You can't handle that without me?"

"I can but I remember you telling me a while ago that you were going to take care of all Photography Appointments and......."

"Ok fine I will be there in a sec thanks Brionna." I said while hanging up the phone. Great just what I didn't want to get out of bed to go deal with another loving couple who wants their pictures taken in such a loving place. I got out of bed and went to take a shower, I pulled out some clothes to put on when my phone rang again. I didn't have time to answer it because I was trying to focus on getting up the nerve to go back to work. I finally managed to get dressed, I walked downstairs to put on a pot of coffee when there was a knock on the door. I knew that it had to be only one person that would show up to my house this early, and the would be my friend from college Victoria. I went to the door and opened it, Victoria stood there looking like she was preparing for a battle.

"What are you doing here at this time of morning?" I asked walking back to the kitchen.

"I was coming over to whoop your ass out of bed but I see somebody already did." She said sitting at the table.

"Yea, my assistant called about an appointment I scheduled....... You want some coffee?"

"Yes please, so how are you feeling for real?" She said taking the coffee cup from me. Before I could answer her, I heard the door bell ringing. We both looked at each other, I went to the door and opened it to find a man standing there with a clipboard in his hands."

"Good morning, are you James Trinidad?" The man asked looking at me.

"Yes, I am James but who are you?" I said looking suspiciously at the man.

"I'm from Guy's Towing service and we were asked to deliver your car back to you by a Terrance Brown." I looked behind him to see that the car I helped Terrance buy sitting on the wrecker truck.

"Ok, you need me to sign something or what."

"That and we also need payment as well." I started laughing. This motherfucker wanted to play all kind of games.

"Fine, let me get my wallet." I closed the door and walked back into the kitchen. "Victoria, tell me why Terrance bitch ass just sent the car we bought him back and on top of that he didn't even pay the Wrecker company."

"That's a typical nigga for you....... Did you ask for the car back?"

"No, I didn't, but anyway let me go pay this man and get my ass to the shop. You are coming tag along?"

"I will follow but I have an appointment at 11 with this bougie bitch with no hair." We both laughed and went to the door. When we got outside the guy had pulled the car off the wrecker and had it to the side of the road. I walked up to him and paid him his money, he handed me the keys and I pulled the car in the garage. Victoria had gotten in her car and pulled out the driveway so that I could pull my car out.

The Loneliness of InsecuritiesWhere stories live. Discover now