"It's My Birthday"

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My birthday is tomorrow, and I couldn't be more excited about it. This was going to be the first birthday in 3 years that I wasn't sitting at my shop or at home being depressed. I had a feeling that Mitchell was planning something, but he was doing a damn good job at keeping me out the loop. Carmen and Ava left to go back to Dallas and I haven't heard from Raelynn since that day in my office. I asked Mitchell about it, but he told me we would talk about it after my birthday. I didn't want to press the issue, but I didn't want any surprises as well, those insecurities always seemed to rear their ugly head at times like these. We didn't have any problems in our relationship and I wasn't about to let his mom pose a direct threat to our happiness. I was sitting in my office when Brionna walked in with the rest of the crew.

"What's going on?" I said getting paranoid.

"Well...... ok we know that you have been stressed lately about that little situation from the other week. We also know that someone's birthday is tomorrow, and we know we not going to see you until the middle part of the week, so we wanted to come in and bring you our gifts now." She said stepping aside and then I saw Elias walking into my office with a trolley cart full of wrapped gifts.

"Oh my God, I can't stand yall, but I love you all at the same time." I said on the verge of tears. Elias walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh, stop it James, you know you are the best boss and friend anyone could ever ask for." He said laughing. Then everyone agreed and started singing happy birthday to me. Mitchell walked in with a small cake with candles on it, I blew the candles out and a lone tear fell from my eyes.

'Aww babe stop making a fuss." He said kissing me. "We have a whole weekend ahead of us." He said winking.

"Can yall not be nasty for damn day." Someone said from behind me and when I turned around it was Vicky.

"Oh my God, what are you doing here?" I said hugging her, and looking back at Mitchell. "You set this shit up didn't you...... I can't stand yo bighead ass." I said smiling at him.

"Stop acting like that 'bighead' don't make you melt with passion." Vicky said making the whole room laugh.

We spent most of the day having a small office party, Mitchell, Brionna, and Vicky went out to get food and drinks while Elias got everything else set up in-between customers. I told them to just close up, but they said just because it was my birthday and we were going to celebrate it doesn't mean we can't still make some money for the day. I guess this was the big surprise that Mitchell was keeping from me, and for that I was happy. I was feeling tipsy and horny so I wanted to take Mitchell into my office and straddle his dick but there was to many people here for that and we didn't know how to have silent sex. I would have to wait until we got home for that.

"What you over here thinking about....... Oh, wait I know that look and you're so nasty but I love it." Vicky said looking at my while I eyed Mitchell lustfully.

"I don't know why you always noticing shit bitch, but I miss you so much I haven't seen you since I don't know when." I said taking a sip from my cup.

"I know, I missed you too so when Mitchell called me and said that he was doing this I just had to be here. Oh, by the way...... Mitchell sent me over here to tell you to behave and wait until you get alone, see I wasn't the one who noticed it first." She said laughing.

"Oh, did he? That's why his ass jacking off tonight, I'm not giving him none until after my birthday." I said lying to myself.

"I heard about the lil altercation between Carmen and your mother in law. I should have been here for that." She said laughing. "I have some gifts in the car from Trent and Lance for you as well. They wanted to come but couldn't make it."

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