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It is after 9pm and I was still at work finishing up the last of my weekly reports, even though I own the place, I have a system I go by. It has been working out perfectly for the last 2 years so I wasn't about to change it now. Mitchell has been doing an awesome job and I couldn't be more grateful for that. He came just in time because we got a lot of backed up work done. In fact, he was doing so well that I gave him the full time Graphic Designing job. I was still working from morning to night most days but I still found time for my lunch dates with Raelynn as well as talk to Victoria  whenever she called. As soon as I walked back to my desk from the printer my phone was ringing. I looked and saw that it was Victoria calling so I hurried and picked up.

"Hey best friend."

"James, I know yo ass still not in the shop when your ass supposed to be at home packing for your little college tours."

"Do you have access to my cameras or something? How in the hell you know I was still here?"

"Because I know you, now why are you still there?" She asked in a demanding tone.

"Well mother dearest, I am doing my weekly sales report and I had some stuff that needed to be completed by tomorrow so that's why I'm here this late."

"Damn James, you need to do better didn't you hire Raelynn's son and didn't you say he was really good so why don't you let him help you out with all the backup work until you get someone."

"He has helped me out a lot and it's not his job to do my work Victoria, I keep telling you that I got this everything I have done up to this point have been very successful, I will slow down once I know for sure that I can take off and there won't be any fuck ups while I'm gone. Now if your done with the Mommy Dearest shit...... you can tell me about how's your business going." I said getting irritated.

"Bitch don't you dare catch an attitude with me because I'm concerned about your wellbeing and your health. Business is fine, I have a lot of clients and awesome people that work for me and on the positive side of things, I have time for myself unlike yo grouchy ass. You need some sex, maybe that will take the edge off." She said laughing.

"Bitch please I'm good on that but I need to finish these reports and projects so I will call you when I get home."

"Ok love you."

"Love you too." I hung up the phone and went back to finish everything I was working on. I finished just before midnight and I was now headed home, I was really thinking about how hard I work and all the long nights. It was taking a toll on me but I couldn't slow down until I had people who I knew I could trust to run everything when I'm not there.

I walked into the house and went to take a shower before bed, when I got out the shower I had gotten a phone call from Victoria. I talked to her for a little while before we called it a night. I plugged my phone to the charger and laid back in the bed. I was just dozing off when my phone rang again, I looked and saw that it was Terrance calling.

"What the hell do you want? And why are you calling my phone at this time of night?" I said with clear irritation in my voice.

"Chill out James, I was calling because I really wanted to talk to you about being our photographer."

"I thought I gave you my answer already and I'm not changing it so no I'm not doing it now if you don't mind it's late and you have no business calling me at this time of night."

"James please, it would mean so much to me if you would do it for us, I know it's asking a lot but I thought we moved passed all the bullshit and what we had so I don't see what the big deal is."

"I am over you and I am over what we had but you got a lot of nerve to ask me to photograph your wedding, when you couldn't even commit to the person you claimed you love more than life itself. Whatever the case may be, I can't do it now please do not call my phone at this hour again." I said and hung up the phone. He was being persistent in asking me this and as much as I impressed by his persistence I was also annoyed at the same time. I was finally able to fall asleep after a long struggle of tossing and turning.

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