"A New Friend"

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It is officially summer which means business will be booming considering that it's also graduation season as well. I was booked up for the next few months and thanks to Mitchell I could spend more time working from home instead of in the shop all day and night. Nowadays I would get in whenever I felt like going in, which is usually around 11am. Mitchell had used the other car for a whole week and he brought it back without a scratch on it. There was no need for me to have two cars so I'm considering selling it him. I talked to Raelynn off and on throughout the weeks but still haven't met up with her for our usual lunch date. I would come up with excuse after excuse on why I couldn't make it but the reality was that I had lost all respect for her when I found out she had been lying to me about Mitchell. I was lying in bed when my phone rang, I looked at the time and it was after 7am, I was going in early today to help Mitchell and his team set up some new art work in the Gallery, which is why he is probably calling me so early.

"Good morning." I said after picking up the phone.

"Hey Good morning...... umm I was calling you to tell you that I will be running a little late because this girl was supposed to bring me but she hasn't showed up yet."

"Mitch, that's fine hell I'm still in bed." I said laughing.

"Ok well I will text you when I'm on the way I'ma call John and see if he can drop me off."

"Ok that's fine but call your people and let them know."

"Will do boss." He hung up the phone and I turned over in the bed. I was now used to being in the house by myself and how peaceful it is when you trying to work and nobody is making unnecessary noise or bugging the hell out you. After tossing around in the bed for a while and not able to fall back asleep, I got up and went in the bathroom. I might as well go in and get a head start on the rearranging process, I did everything I usually do in the morning and headed out the house 30 minutes later. While driving Mitchell text me and told me he was on his way. When I pulled up to the shop I was shocked to see Raelynn's car in the parking lot, and what's was even more shocking was Mitchell got out the driver's seat. I walked up to the door to the shop with him right behind me, the smell of his cologne was intoxicating. Maybe it's my hormones raging or maybe I was spending too much time with him every day at work but I felt myself drown to him in ways I never imagined.

"I'm going to start the coffee while you go and start on the boxes and I don't have to tell you to be extra careful, do I?" I said after locking the door.

"No, you don't have to tell me, and good morning to you as well." He said laughing and walking off. I went to start the coffee and walked in my office. I sat at the desk and started my weekly reports, that way I didn't have to spend all day doing it later. After spending 15 minutes working on the reports, I left out the office and went to fix mitch and I's coffee. While fixing the coffee my phone rang again, it was Raelynn.

"Good morning."

"Hey, is my no-good ass child there?"

"Yes, he just got here about 30 minutes ago, what's up?"

"Can you tell that motherfucker the next time he takes my car without me knowing I will have it reported stolen and his ass locked up."

"Wow, I didn't know he did that."

"Yeah, he just left while I was sleeping, didn't wake me up or anything."

"Damn you want me to send him home to bring your car to you?"

"No but he is not driving my car no more after this, I don't know how he even got in the damn house. He's going to have to get there the best way he knows how after today."

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