"New Beginning"

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I was sitting in my car out front of Rendezvous in South Memphis for 35 minutes waiting on Raelynn. There's no reason why she is late, she lived 10 minutes away from the damn place. Unlike me she was close enough to be here first and waiting on me to arrive. As I was waiting I was emailing Brionna, I had some meetings lined up for next week that I had to reschedule. I was leaving to go out of town to recruit some Graphic Designers from a few colleges so I wouldn't be here to meet with the clients that I had lined up. It had been a few weeks since Victoria and Elias left and things were still a handful dealing with all of the work I had piled up on my desk. Even though I felt like I could conquer anything in my way, I still found myself working late and harder. Don't get me wrong, I was loving all of the business I was getting but it can be over whelming at times. I was taking the day off today to wait on my new furniture to arrive. I had to get rid of all the old ones because they reminded me too much of my ex and I couldn't stand it anymore. I donated it to a Good Will and they were excited to come and pick up damn near a house full of furniture. I cleaned house and when I did I felt like a brand new person on the inside and looked like one on the outside. I was smiling more and my attitude had left along with the rest of the shit that stole my happiness. I looked up to see Raelynn pulling into the parking lot, she got out her car and I did also. I walked up to her and noticed she had a disturbed look on her face.

"It's about time you showed up missy." I said walking up to her and hugging her.

"James, you lucky I showed up and not sitting behind bars right now." She said while we walked into the restaurant.

"Ok, what happened?" I asked while waiting to be seated.

"That fucking son of mine....... This nigga had the nerve to have some lil random bitch in my house, I had to get that straight before I left." The hostess came and brought us to our seat.

"You would think he would know by now than to keep doing stupid stuff but I guess not."

"Yea well, he going to find that out the hard way now."

"What do you mean by that?" I ask confused.

"I put his ass out before I left....... I can't keep putting up with the same shit over and over again from him." I just sat there and looked at her after she said that, I couldn't believe that she would put her son out in the streets knowing he didn't have a place to go or any income.

"Enough of all that...... I'm going around to a few colleges next week to recruit a few more Graphic Designers to help out." I said taking a sip from my drink.

"That sound exhausting but I guess you have to do what you have to do. You know Mitchell is good at designing layouts and other crap, I don't know why he never asked you for a job."

"I didn't know that but I think I may have a part time spot open for the Art Gallery."

"That's better than him sitting around not doing shit but causing me problems. You know that motherfucker don't even want to help me with Kayla, I asked him to go pick up Kayla from dance practice for me and he told me that she wasn't his child and it wasn't his job to take care of her." I shook my head.

"Damn the least he could do is help with her...... I know that would take a load off you and John."

"Leave it up to John ass nothing would get done either." Her phone started ringing and I took that opportunity to go and use the restroom. My mind began to roam on these upcoming trips I was making, I really hoped the schools had some talented people that were graduating this semester. When I got back to the table, Raelynn was still on the phone. "Yea well you made your bed...... here is James now you can ask him yourself." I looked at her confused.

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