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The look that Mitchell was giving Terrance was scary, he hadn't taken his eyes off him from the moment he stepped into the room. This was a typical Terrance move tho, he was having cold feet and thought he could come running back to me and I would accept him with open arms. I had to think of something quick because I don't want Mitchell getting into any trouble or for them to start fighting in my office. I stepped in between the two and looked at Mitchell, he was still staring a hole thru Terrance.

"Mitch, don't, it's not worth it." I said placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, so this you now James?" Terrance said laughing.

"I don't find nothing funny bro but if I was you I would go back to that fairytale life of yours and leave mine alone." Mitchell said in a demanding tone.

"I think it's best you leave Terrance, I will ship you your items once the job is complete." He looked at me and smirked before walking to the door and stopped.

"I've always thought you would find someone better than me, but this is a joke, this nigga can't take care of you the way I did and can still do." He said looking back and forth between Mitch and me.

"He takes care of me in ways you couldn't possibly imagine, this is an upgrade compared to you. He respects me, he adores me and he is a much better lover than you will ever be now get the hell out my office before things go from bad to worse for you and don't show up here no more, if any changes need to be made tell your fiancé to come." He looked at me with a very hurt expression before walking out the door. I turned back around to look at Mitchell who still had that killer instinct look in his eyes. "Babe, you ok?"

"Yea I'm good bae, I wanted to fuck him up." He said smiling.

"It aint worth it, I'm so over that bitch ass dude, I'm with you now and I'm very happy."

"How happy are you?" He asked while grabbing my waist.

"Really happy." I said kissing him. He almost immediately grabbed my ass and squeezed it.

"You make me happy as well baby, but let's get out of here so we can go get something to eat and then I can eat you until you fall asleep and then I can wake you up by eating you again." He said laughing but I knew he was serous as hell.

"Let's go nasty." I grabbed my things and we headed out to my car. When we got out the door, I made sure everything was locked up good. We went to our cars and I noticed that Shaniya was still here. I started up my car and pulled up on side her. "Hey, you ok?"

"Yea I'm ok, I'm just waiting on my girlfriend, she said she was 5 minutes away."

"Wow I had no idea you play." I said laughing. "I will wait with you until she gets here." She nodded her head and I texted Mitchell to let him know to just get some food or take something out to cook. I sat back in my seat and waited for her girlfriend to get there. A few minutes later a car pulled into the parking lot and Shaniya got out and ran to the car. After hugging and kissing I said that I was leaving and to be careful. I pulled off and headed to the house, when I got there Vicky was sitting in the living room with a cup in her hand. I walked into the kitchen where Mitchell was standing by the stove cooking. I went behind him and grabbed him by his waist. "Smells good babe."

"Yea I thought I would cook for us since you were nice enough to wait for Niya's girlfriend to get to her." He said flipping over the steak in the skillet. "How about you go get comfortable while I finish up the food." I kissed him and walked upstairs with Vicky right behind me.

"You got it made honey, your man comes home and cook a fabulous meal and about to break your ex face in the process is a major upgrade."

"I know, but you should have seen the look on Terrance face when Mitchell stepped to him. It kinda turned me on to see Mitchell in that mode." I said smiling.

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