Part 4

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Viktor P.O.V
Thankfully, things weren't that awkward between Yuri and I so after we kissed I suggested we should go to a small cafe near the ice rink for breakfast and discuss what we want to do with the 'Eros' piece. See- unlike Yuri I think the piece is going fantastically! He looks so ... so .... seductive and sexy when he skates. I swear every time he skates 'Eros' I have trouble not getting turned on. It's so hard! So I try to focus on his jumps because honestly, they are not as confident as I would like them to be. Otherwise Yuri is pretty confident in the dance, he just needs to work on his jumps so I decided to talk about his jumps with him over breakfast.

For breakfast I ordered miso soup along with steamed rice and it was delicious!
"VKUSNO!" I shouted
"Shhhhhhhhh" Yuri said as I just realized what I did which earned me a couple of patronizing stares.

Yuri P.O.V
"VKUSNO!" Viktor shouted and may I add very loudly.
"Shhhhhhhhhh" I quickly quietened Viktor so we didn't get too many stares.
"Sorry," he whispered back, "So when we get back to the rink we are going to practice you jumps - quads, loops, axels and the rest so be prepared,"
Wow.... He is still whispering...
"You don't have to whisper, you know," I remarked in a quiet tone.
"Oh but I thought we must be very quiet?" He said giving me a pizzled look. All I could do was aigh in defeat.
How can such a hot man be so stupid? I thought to myself.
Wait... Did I just call Viktor hot!?
I could feel my face burn up at the thought. Then I heard a small chuckle from the man opposite me.
"Why you so red, piggy?"
One. He hasn't used that nickname in forever. Two.I couldn't tell him what I was thinking so I quickly blurted out,
"I'm just thinking out the kiss..." Which is partially true. Viktor lightly blushed at this and looked away.
Why does he do this to me? Why does he have to be so cute?
I sighed in disappointment and also decided to distract myself by watching the workers here brew the coffee for others.

Viktor P.O.V
While Yuri was watching the workers here, I quietly thought of everything that has happened between us. I mean we've tripped over each other (mostly Yuri tripping ON me) and now we've kissed. Wow... Who knew when I came to teach Yuri I'd be kissing him as well. I hope this does improve our relationship as teacher and student because I still think Yuri sees me as and amazing, perfect person who is the most incredible ice skater on the planet who he'll never be as good as. Except this is completely untrue. Yuri can and will be as good as me. When I grow old I won't be the best skater on the planet. I wish he could see me as the true person I am but then he may hate me because looks can be deceiving you know. I wish it wasn't this complicated because then I would know what to do and things may not be as awkward as they are now. I just wish I wasn't me but then again not all wishes are granted.

Soon after we finish breakfast we walk over to the rink in pure, unbroken, comfortable silence. Only the whistle of the wind and the woosh of the waves seemed to cut through the silence but fortunately the silence never shattered.

A/N- Sorry that I haven't published in a while. It was because I didn't have any Wi-Fi or internet connection for a whole day! I nearly died! Just kidding! I had to go out for most of the day so I lived but without the connection I couldn't publish this. Please forgive me!

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