Part 19

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Yuri P.O.V
A few weeks later, after the beach day, I was just chilling on my bed because Viktor and I had just come back from an intense training session and my ice skating program is coming along really well. I nearly have it locked down. The only thing I'm having trouble with is the quadruple salchow which is a jump in ice skating. So you must jump off the back inside edge of the skate and do four rotations in the air and you must land on the back outside edge of the opposite foot. Confusing right? I know.
(A/N- I had to do research to find that out.)
I was just sitting down on by dark blue bed scrolling through instagram and checking out other ice skaters Instagram when an annoying yet important thought came to me.
What are Viktor and I? Are we an us or a we or are we just friends? What are we?
Then I started to panic a little but not a full-out panic attack. My breathing began to be irregular but I did a breathing exercise someone taught me to calm down. Which is to just breath in and out slowly but surely and soon enough I was gone but this question of 'What are we?' still bugged me immensely so I decided to confront Viktor about it but before I do I guess I should explain what has been happening between Viktor and I.

So after the missing dog episode, Viktor and I became a lot closer llike we would kiss more but only short, sweet ones and we would cuddle occasionally but we never asked each other if we were officially boyfriends so that's what I want to find out. How do I ask him though? I don't have much self-confidence or any sort of confidence so I always kind of relied on others to make first moves and such.
Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" I shouted and believe it or not it was Viktor who walked into my room!
"W-what can I do for you, V-Viktor?" I managed to stutter out.
Smooth, Yuri, real smooth.
"Well I was wondering if we could talk Yuri. Please?" He asked politely.
"Yeah, Sure!" I replied while shuffling over on my bed to make room for Viktor.
"Well..." Viktor began. What I didn't know was the wonderful but dramatic turn my life was going to make.

Viktor P.O.V
"Well..." I started. You see, I wanted to ask Yuri where do I stand with him but I didn't really know how to phrase it.
"I really like you, Yuri and I was wondering if we were a couple of just friends or whatever." I looked over at him hopeful he wasn't going to reject or turn me down. 
"I was thinking the exact same thing before you came." Yuri gazed at his wall lost in thought and I took this opportunity to study the boy. His hair is as black as the night and it smells of cherries. His eyes are so brown you could easily get lost in them but my favourite thing about Yuri is his personality. I love how he is shy but still he can stand up to people if they insult friends of family. I love his quiet determination and I love his laugh and his smile.
"Yuri do you want to go on a date with me?" It quickly rushed out before my mouth could change its mind. Yuri was surprised by the sudden question.
"I would love to Viktor!" Yuri shouted with twinkling eyes. I grabbed his face and kissed him excitedly. Slowly the kids became aofter and more loving but we had to pull away to breath. I hate science!
"Finally! Mum and I have been waiting to see you to get together for ages!" Yuri's sister squealed. She reminded me of something. A fangirl. (Or fanboy)

A/N- Hey guys! What's up? (The sky!) Anyway, I hope you are having an amazing, fantastic, fantabulous (word I just made up) day! I have two important messages to give you so please read them.

1. Message
I just want to remind all of you that you are special! You are amazing! You are fantastic, magical, just all found great, good people. You may think you aren't but that is BS! You are perfect, unique and special and I just want you to know. Even if you think you are the most boring person in the world or universe or what ever, you are still special and you want to know why? The chance of you being born was 1 out of 400 TRILLION! No not million or billion but TRILLION! So if you say are not special or if someone says they are not special you just remember and say that fact and think 'not-special-my-ass!' (Sorry I dont usually curse! In fact I don't!) You are all Fantablerifficlousing people in the world! (Pronouned: Fan-tab-le-riff-of-lous-ing!)

2. Message
There is this amazing human being (at least I think they are human!) on Wattpad call blurryfacedgoner_ and they are truly a fantastic person. They are also writing a Victuuri book. TRIGGER WARNING (for their book) Self-harm, attempted suicide, rape, bullying and there is a few curse words but the book is terrific and I would recommend it if you don't mind thise trigger warnings. Anyway, you guys have probably guessed by now that I am a sappy person and to tell the truth I am. Love y'all!!! Bye!!!❤❤❤

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