Part 11

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Yuri P.O.V
I stood in front of the sink frozen and stunned because Viktor - the Viktor Nikiforov- kissed me! Only on the cheek though... Which is thoroughly disappointing. Honestly I am so glad he made the first move because let's be real. I was never going to make the first move because I lack confidence in general so that was never going to happen so I am really happy that Viktor worked up the courage to kiss me! I am still so ... so ... amazed and over the moon.
He kissed you! He KISSED you! HE KISSED YOU! WHHOOOOO!
Right now I'm literally doing a victory dance in my head I'm so happy.  My happy mood stayed with me as I finished the washing up and as I got ready for bed. It continued well into the night.

I look over to my bedside clock. It reads 02:03am. Why couldn't I sleep? It is probably because I am still filled with adrenaline from when Viktor kissed me and to be honest, I still can't get over that he kissed me. Even if he only kissed me on the cheek, it is still a kiss and a start. But someone as great and amazing as Viktor (Not that I will ever admit this) doesn't deserve someone like me who is fragile and weak and worthless.

That negative thought seemed to really affect me and soon enough I had tears streaming down my face. I gasped for breath after breath through sobs. Suddenly a tall, lean figure was standing in my doorway. Not moving : just standing. I decided to stay quiet which was difficult because only one minute ago I was choking down sobs.

Oh thank the Lord it was just Viktor. Although I still couldn't see the face of this figure as I didn't have my glasses on and my room was pitch black.

Because I didn't know what to say or what to do, I remained quiet praying that Viktor would go and leave him alone.

"Yuri." This time he called with a bit more confidence.
"I know you are awake because I heard you crying literally 2 minutes ago also that is not your sleeping position so don't try and pretend to be asleep cause I know you aren't."
He finished his miniature rant by placing a hand on his hip like when you roast someone and you know you've done a good job of roasting them.

"How do you know what position I sleep in?" I asked in a quiet whisper because right now I didn't trust my voice at all. Viktor waltzed over to my bed and crouched down beside it so he was level with me.

"I've watched you sleep before and I knew you were fake sleeping!" The last bit he whispered but like whisper-shouted it. Also what have you done to Viktor and who replaced him with a stalker?

"I know It sounds creepy it's just you look really cute and peaceful when sleep and it is also really calming," Viktor stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Hey Viktor... C-can you s-sleep with me t-tonight?" I asked shyly.
The question seemed to linger in the air without an answer. I could imagine Viktor's eyes widening aand his mouth slightly ajar at the question
"I'd love to!" He said quite enthusiastically in my opinion.

Viktor: Hey author why didn't you write in my Point Of View? 😠

Author: Well I just really wasn't bothered to switch it because bascially I had to write this chapter twice as the last one deleted itself completely and I was very annnoyed and bothered so please dont ask any questions. I still love y'all so don't y'all worry!!! Bye!!! ❤❤❤

Viktor: 😐😌😳

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