Terribly Sorry!

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I know you guys have been waiting for the next part (Part 23) but I have been struggling to find time and I don't know what to do for the next chapter.
However, I do have an idea...
So Yuri and Viktor (now boyfriends) are going a competition. Phitchit will be introduced as well as others so the next chapter may be quite long.

Also, (this has nothing to do with this) when I text my friends I must always have the correct grammar. Like I won't write 'u2' or 'ur' simply because I find it really annoying. The fact that I write stories on Wattpad, also, adds to that fact. When I'm texting friends I must have the right punctuation as well. Moreover, I can't miss out commas or apostrophes etc. And I only noticed this recently!!

Anyway back to the point, I'M ON HALF-TERM!!!!!!!! Therefore, I won't be doing anything so I have loads of time for writing. So be prepared... This story may have like +5 more chapters which is my aim. If I don't do that I will .... What should be my punishment?
Please don't make it something to embarrassing because I have anxiety. Also I won't post pictures of myself but I will do something. Please decide!

Remember all of you (yes, every single one of you) is special. No matter your race, sexuality, religion, looks, disorders, age, inheritance etc. You are all wonderful, amazing, brilliant people and I want you to remember, even though you don't know me personally, I love all or y'all!!! Love y'all!!! Bye!!! 💗💗💗❤❤❤💗💗💗

I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🎃🎃

I really wanted to make that equal...

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