Part 14

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Yuri P.O.V
Another special moment with Viktor ruined thanks to my mum. We blush quite clearly and pull away before anyone can see us.
"Yuri, you should respond..." Viktor said quietly as he looked away. I guess he was just as disappointed as I was.
"Your right..."
Slowly and reluctantly I climbed out of my bed and walked towards my mum and away from Viktor. I love my mum but sometimes she just jas the utmost worst timing.
I poked my head around the door and I saw my sister coming closer and closer : she looked very distressed.
"Yuri..." She paused to take a breath.
"Yuri... I can't find Viktor... I have no-"
"Mari,"I said placing my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
"Mari, listen, Viktor's with me." I sniled at her and I moved away from the door to show her Viktor who was now also getting up and walking towards me.
"Oh..." This was the only thing Mari could say as she stood in bewilderment and embarrassment and she was looking at Viktor like he had grown another head. She gazed at me and a small chuckle escaped. Then she turned and skipped off in the other direction.
"Girls are confusing." I muttered, forgetting that Viktor was at my side. As soon as the door closed Viktor slitgered his arm around my waist bringing me closer to him.

Our faces were very close once more.
"Now where were we?" He said in rather a seductive way and I couldn't help but giggle at him.
"Yuri..." He whined, "I really want to kiss you!" Then we both looked at each other shocked at what he, himself, just uttered. I began to feel myself laugh and laugh until I was so caught in uncontrollable laughter. Viktor joined in with my hysterics and we just stood in my room laughing out butts off. We must have been quite a strange sight because we were two fully grown men laughing out heads and butts off in the middle of a bedroom. We must have looked absolutely crazy.

Viktor P.O.V
I almost kissed Yuri again! Almost... Which is really annoying because we've come close to kissing twice and bother times were ruined... by women. I swear women have the worst timing. At least it proves that Yuri feels the same way I do which is a comforting yet exciting feeling. Anyway, as Yuri shut the door of his bedroom after talking to his sister who didn't know where I was, I snaked my arm around his waist and slowly pulled him into my chest. I decided to say the cheesiest and most common line in romantic films-
"Now where were we?" I tried to say seductively and I watched slightly hurt but more amused as Yuri began to break out into a fit of cute giggles. Then his laughter developed into proper laughter and I couldn't help but join in the fun with him. So we were standing in the middle of his room laughing so hard and we didnt stop until sometime after.
"Hey Viktor," Yuri whispered in my ear, "I want to kiss you too."
And just like that he was off to breakfast. Yuri is such a teaser. Who knew? Shocked at what Yuri just did,I stood in his bedroom confused but glad that Yuri also wants to kiss me. It is kind of relieving that he also wants to kiss. It's nice to have my feelings returned. Anyway, I shook my head to get rid of the shock and as I was closing Yuri's bedroom door I felt a giddy, warm feeling in my chest. I left for breakfast with a giant, genuine grin stuck on my face.

A/N- What's up everybody? How are you? Anyway, I hope you are having an amazing, brilliant, tremendous day today and if you aren't then I hope this message cheers you up becaise everyone in the world deserves to be happy. You know I've always had this thought that if everybody was so kind the world would run a lot smoother. Like if people built houses for free. If people gave others food for free. If people gave others Wi-Fi do free. The world would be an even better place. Sorry for the long rant but yeah... Love y'all!!! Bye!!! ❤❤❤

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