Part 17

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Viktor P.O.V
Yuri an I sprinted towards the bark and I was wishing with all my luck that it was Makkachin.
"Woof!" Barked the unidentidied dog. We could see the outline of the dog against the bright, morning sky and unfortunately it looked nothing like Makkachin.
"Woof!" It barked enthusiastically at us. Even though it was very unlikely that the dog was Makkachin we both still ran towards it just to be 100% sure.

When we reached the dog who was still sitting waiting for us in the sane spot Yuri and I were hunched over and gasping for air. I sighed in defeat.
"We are never going to find Makkachin." I wailed sadly.
Where is Makkachin? Where on earth can he be?
"Viktor..." Yuri looked at me with sympathy but there was a twinkle of hope in his eyes.
"He will turn up. He loves you, Viktor." He said surely and reassuringly.
"How do you know!?" I said skeptically.
"Viktor! He sleeps in the same bed as you! He has never left your side before. Makkachin loves you!" Yuri encouraged me.
"How about we go to the ice rink because Makkachin could be there. Also he may be at my house or the beach." He looked at me thoughtfully while saying this.
"So how about you go to the ice rink and I will go and check my house and the beach?" Yuri suggested calmly.
"Okay..." I agreed slowly because Yuri's thinking right now was very logical and it seemed like the only thing we could do. Also I didn't have any other ideas so this was the only thing left.
"Okay bye Viktor! Remeber to check carefully. Also..." Yuri shuffled towards me nervously and planted a sweet, short kiss on my lips. Well it was meant to be a short kiss but I deepened it by snaking my arms around his waist and he placed his arms loosely around my neck so we stayed there for a while before springing into action. Lets find Makkachin!

Yuri P.O.V
After Viktor and I separated from our kiss, we quickly realized what we were doing so we both said quick goodbyes and dashed off in opposite directions.
Okay let's check your house first and then we can check the beach on the way back.
I finished formulating my plan as I sprinted to my house. I passed many people I was acquainted with and they muttered quick "hi"s or "hello"s but I was going to quick to reply do I just nodded in acknowledgement as I ran by.
~Time Skip~
I had developed a bad stitch on the way to my house and it felt like a load of knives stabbing my side so when I arrived at my house I staggered towards the door. I knocked politely and waited.
"Hello Yuri! What are you doing?" My mother asked me tilting her head in confusion.
"Makkachin... lost... Where... Is ... He...?" I managed to say between large gasps for air.
"Oh I haven't seen him, dear. I'm sorry." She told me. I sighed in exhaustion as I had ran a good length just to find that Makkachin wasn't here at all. Where is he? I think my mum could see my distressed look so she said comfortingly,
"You will find him, dear."
"I know..." I tiredly replied and then for the third time that day I sprinted towards the place I needed to be - the beach. However, I gave up half-way as I was desperately out of breath.

A/N- I hope you guys are having a great day!!! Love y'all!!! Bye!!! ❤❤❤

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