Part 26

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Yuri P.O.V
I squinted at the electronic alarm clock on the bedside table. I better go back to sleep, I need to be well rested for today - the competition. I tossed and turned repeatedly but I couldn't find a position I was comfortable in. There were to many facts that were contributing to me not sleeping:

The bed was too warm

Every position was too umcomfortable.

My heart is beating 100000000 times per second.

I was sweating profusely.

The room was too quiet.

Sleep seemed impossible, so, I laid in my bed for, what seemed like, hours and hours on end. Troubling thoughts scurried around in my head and I started to clench and unclench my hands. I glanced at the clock beside me and read the time. I groaned in annoyance.

Suddenly, an idea hit me. Let's go on a run! I shot out of bed, grateful for something to take my mind off the arising panic. Thankfully, Viktor and I went around the area and I have a pretty good sense of direction and orientation skills. I knew exactly where I wanted to go. I set off at a considerably fast pace.

I arrived at the place at 6:31am and I sat down in awe. I had ran to a huge cherry blossom. To be more specific, the cherry blossom, Viktor and I stood under and had a sweet, peaceful moment. (Last chapter) I smiled at the memory fondly and I gazed into The bright, blue sky as I sat down on the grass. The exhaustion from missing valuable sleep mixed with the exhaustion from running was a lot so I lent backwards onto the soft grass. The clouds were passing by steadily and the breeze was refreshing and light. The sleep I desperately needed came and I fell into a deep sleep right there in the grass.

Viktor P.O.V
Where was Yuri!? He should be ready for breakfast! I knocked once...

No response...


Again, Viktir's attempt was greeted by dreadful silence.

"What if Yuri got murdered!? What if he ran away!? What if... What if... What if... What if...
No! Viktor! Yuri wouldn't do that! Get a hold of yourself!" I thought anxiously. "Let's think this through logically. He may of just popped outside for a breather? So give him 5 minutes."

*5 minutes later*

Yuri was still not back and I began to pace nervously up and down the corridor for another 10 mins.

"Maybe Yuri was already at breakfast!?" I mumbled.
I frantically scrambled down the stairs and I ran into the breakfast room. My head swivelled from left to right as I scanned the room for a short, petite man with extremely dark hair.

"Ah hah!" I said under my breathe.
"Hey Yuri!" I said cheerfully, hoaever on the inside I was filled from head to toe with relief.

"Yuri? Sorry I'm not Yuri." I looked down and I realized that this short, petite man was not Yuri. The newly founded relief was quickly replaced by embarrassment and anxiousness.

"However, I know you are Viktor Nikiforov so you must be looking for Yuri. I am Phitchit! His best friend!"

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