Part 27

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Viktor P.O.V
As soon as Phitchit identified himself, I recognized him because Yuri had shown him pictures of him and Phitchit in university.
"Hello, Phitchit. Very nice to meet you and yes, I am trying to find Yuri because he seems to have disapleared and I am extremely anxious. So you have any spare time? Please help me!" I pleaded.
I mean, I NEVER plead, and this proved how desperate and scared I was in this situation.
"I would gladly help!" He answered. Thank goodness,ge was a kind-hearted individual!
"Okay well, I will check the top floor. Can you please check the second?" I planned. He nodded and calmly speed-walked to the stairs. I followed him after I took a few calming breaths.
Yuri... Please appear...

*20 minutes later*

"Did you find him?" I asked breathlessly.
Phitchit shook his head negatively as he bent over, taking huge gasps of air. We had checked the entire hotel and the hotel in GIGANTIC! I don't know how we did it. However, there was still no Yuri. It was 7:18 am and no Yuri.
"Hey Phitchit... Where could he be?" I looked up at Phitchit with a forlorn face but when I looked at Phitchit, His was a look of 'I-just-thought-of-something-amazing!'.
"Viktor, how often does Yuri run?" He glanced at me encouragingly and I caught on to what Phitchit was saying.

"Even if he went on run, we don't know if he got lost. If he was mugged, robbed."

I began to lost everything that could of happened to Yuri when Phitchit thankfully interrupted my negative thought train.

"Yuri likes to run to place which is beautiful or has sentimental value to him. Can you think of any place?" He suggested.

"I don't know, Phitchit. I don't know." I replied, tiredness coming through.

"Think,Viktor! Think!" He encouraged.
I remembered! The tree! The beautiful cherry blossom that was absolutely stunning because it was at full bloom.

Phitchit saw the realization etched on my face and smiled.
"There was this gorgeous cherry blossom that Yuri and I stood underneath. He loved it." I explained with a love-struck smiled drawn lazily across my face. My cheeks were lightly dusted with blush.
" Nice! Seems like you did more then standing." Phitchit winked suggestively and my face burned even darker.
"Okay! Go get your man!" He smiled, however, I just stayed seated, very embarrassed.
"You don't know where it is do you..." He sighed loudly, "I guess I could help you..." He murmured sarcastically.
"Thank you! Oh, thank you, great one!" I said dramatically, playing along with him.
"I know." Was all he said.
"Let's go!"

A/N- Hope you like that plot twist! Also, I apologized for this chapter being so short! I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus I updated this 5 times! I told you I could do it. You know what? I'm proud of myself! BAD NEWS- I won't be updating too often because of school. I need to sort myself out with homework and stuff. Really sorry!! Y'all are so important to me. I love y'all!!! And GOOD BYE!!! (for a little while.) 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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