Part 29

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Yuri P.O.V
"Hey you! Get over here!" A young teenager who looked around 15 and dressed in leopard print shouted across the competition reception. He had platinum blonde hair that was cut into an uneven bob which hung loosely around his small head and he had a fringe swept casually across his face obscuring some of it from view. His facial expression was contorted into one of anger and he glared at us with a look haterd - mainly Viktor - however it seemed more forced than real. Threatingly, he stomped over to where Viktor and I were standing.

"What are you doing with this pig?" He screamed in his fit of rage and I was offended considerably. Was I really that fat?

"Hello Yuri!" Viktor waved amiably over to the teen before stopping and realizing something. He now had two Yuris!
"I'm going to call you Yurio!" He pointed at the hot-tempered boy and laughed cheerfully.
"Why would you call me Yurio!?" He looked even angrier, if that is even possible.
"I've known you nearly my whole life time you idiot!" He shouted loudly. He had quite a strong Russian accent which accompanied his voice so they must be friends from Russia.
"Because he is my boyfriend,one-" Viktor began.
"Oh so not only are you coaching the pig but you are in love with him. Tsk tsk tsk." He muttered mockingly but his head was turned to the right and his skinny arms crossed his chest. My suspicions were comfirmed - he was 100% a teenager.
(A/N- Not to be rude but this is how adults see teenagers.)

"Hello my name is Yuri Katsuki! Pleasure to meet you!" I smiled in hope of a polite meeting but instead, I was met with a rude one. He glared at my hand with such disgust I withdrew my outstretched hand.
"Yurio! Be polite!" Viktor scolded the teen called Yurio.

"I won't listen if you call me that! Bye pig and gay." Once again, he stomped off.

"Wow... He was rude." I remarked in a sort of surprised tone as I walked with Viktor.
"That's just his way but he will warm up to you." Viktor laughed joyously.
"That's good to know." I mumbled and I couldn't help but giggled when I heard Viktor's laugh. Why is he so happy?

*Time Skip brought to you by me at 7:50 in the morning... Help...*

Every skater was in the rooms provided, preparing for their skate. I recognized some familiar faces but there was this one kid who kept gazing up at me like I was a God and honestly, I hated it. It was so off-putting to have him staring at me all the time and when I looked back at him he would just keep on staring.

"Yuri." Viktor broke me away from my thoughts and looked at me with a questioning look. Then he noticed the younger one staring and the gears in his head began to work.
Me fidgeting, him staring...
He laughed as he came to a conclusion.

"He looks up to you Yuri!" He said. I turned and looked at the boy.

"Can't you see the admiration in his eyes? Like the 'wow I can't believe I will be skating on the same ice as Yuri Katsuki' look?"
I shook my head in disbelief.
"No, no one would admire me after the performance I have at my last Grand Prix..." I put it bluntly.
"Yuri your not a bad skater. Give yourself some credit. Also, go wish him good luck because how can someone who can't motivate others, motivate themselves?" He talked like he was full of wisdom and I just nodded because I was slightly star-struck that he said something like that.
I walked over to the boy and I could feel my anxiety swarming in my stomach.
"G-good luck." I managed to stutter out. His eyes seemingly grew larger and his mouth was in a massive 'o' shape.
"Good luck too!" He spluttered out quickly. I signed a thanks back as I walked over to Viktor. The competition had begun.

A/N- Hellllloooooooo everybody! I'm back!! I am dreadfully apologetic because I haven't uploaded in a LONG time so sorry. Anyway, remember you are special, wonderdul human beings who are 1 in a kind. Also, I love y'all so much!!! Bye!!! 💗💗💗

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