Part 24

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Yuri P.O.V
"Morning, Yuri!" Someone who goes by the name of Viktor Nikiforov said so cheerfully and with too much energy.
"How are you so awake?" I groaned in response. I think his cheerfulness was slowly taking over my body and mind-controlling me. No wonder I was so tired!
"Yuri?" He asked.
"Ya huh...what?" I groggily replied.
"Wake up! They have pancakes!"
I mumbled something that, neither he, nor I, could understand.
"Pancakes with Maple Syrup. Also you have your ice skating competition. So come on!"

Suddenly, I didn't feel too good. It seemed like my anxiety decided to appear and it was only the morning. What's it going to be like throughout the day?
"What's the matter?"
I sat up and he gently held my hands in his. However, I remained silent. I mean you can't reply with 'oh, nothing's the matter! But my anxiety is giving me really bad thoughts and I feel like I'm just about to snap. This is too much!' And my brain was right: this is too much.
"Anxious?" He questioned softly and I only nodded back. He pulled me into his body and calmly combed his hand through my hair. It was a very hypnotizing but relaxing action and soon, I was on the verge of falling back to sleep. How did I end up with a guy like Viktor?
"Let's grab breakfast," I said, after a few moments of comfortable silence and I had to force myself off Viktor's body because my body really didn't want to move or get up.
Have you ever wished that this one moment, where you are in complete bliss, could just replay over and over again? Anyway, once off the comfiest pillow-like-object ever (Viktor) I requested he waited outside my room so I could change. He walked up to me, wrapped his arms around my waist and lightly kissed me. His kiss put me into some sort of trance, so I shook myself of this trance and focused on getting changed and preparing myself for the tricky day that lay ahead of me.

*In the breakfast hall*

I ordered a small breakfast of a pain aû chocolat and tea, meanwhile, Viktor ordered a large stack of pancakes with syrup and extra sugar.
"Viktor, that's very unhealthy!" I exclaimed.
"Well, I'm not the one competing today, am I?" He cheekily looked at me, knowing he hit my spot of annoyance/anxiety.
"Fine!" I huffed in defeat. I have had people say to me "You and Viktor are already like a married couple." I, now, see what they mean.
I watched Viktor eat his pancakes with jealously and, at one point, he caught me looking on in envy, so, he slowly cut his pancake and teasingly chewed on it while I just sat staring. He let out a small giggle as he gazed at me; observing my expression and actions as he ate at a taunting speed. This was torture but I just ate my dad breakfast in silence and a bit of anger.
"So, Yuri!" He said, grabbing my attention. "Let's go to the ice rink!"
His eyes lit up like a little child's and he squealed in excitement and, to be honest, I find this very cute and amusing!
"Okay..." I could feel a million hyper bees swarming in my stomach. I was very nervous and Viktor, thankfully, noticed my obvious discomfort and he pulled me up and laced our fingers together and confidentially walked out of the hotel. Something about this man just makes my anxiety disappear and I love him for that! With my newly found confidence, I finally felt ready for this tournament! Well... Nearly...

A/N- 2 OUT OF 5 COMPLETED! 3 TO GO! Yes that's right suckers! I will write 5 chapters this half-term! Watch me! I am slightly doubting myself because I am a BIG TIME PROCRASTINATER! I do homework at 2am because I distract myself during the day. I mean I LOVE video games so I play a lot of minecraft and I am on YouTube AND Pinterest 24/7/365 so... There is a slight possibility I won't complete my aim but I sure as hell will try! Anyway, sorry for wasting your time and please remember you are special and you MATTER!!! Also I love y'all so much!!! Bye!!! 💗💗💗

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