Part 6

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Viktor P.O.V
I stood in the shadows secretly watching Yuri put his skates on. I know it's shady and dodgy but I was just about to walk in when I saw him deep in thought and I didn't want to disrupt his train of though so I stood quietly to the side until I was posistive he was done, then I walked in.
Breath Viktor, breath. What's the worst that could happen? He could reject me and not want me as a coach and stop ice skating and despise me ... I'm probably over-thinking it but I can only hope for the best. Okay Viktor let's go!
My last thought was to get me pumped and in the mood but the mood seemed to slowly disintergrate as I got closer to Yuri.
"So Yuri about the talk-"
"Can we please talk on the Ice?" Yuri requested. I met this request with a puzzled frown.
"I-I would just feel more comfortable and ... and ... confident if I were on the ice." He explained.
"Sure. I guess It would help me too,"
So with that, Yuri got up and we walked over to the rink. I could tell by how we were walking and our posture, both of us were dreading this talk.

Yuri P.O.V
Reluctantly, I rose from the bench and we both haltingly walked to the ice rink. The ice (as always) shines with unparalleled shine and soon enough my fears crumbled away.

Time for the talk. When I first entered onto the ice I skates around for a bit. Eventually when I felt relaxed and comfortable enough I stopped and smiled at Viktor. A genuine smile.
"Viktor we really need to discuss what has happened between us, to us, and how we are feeling. If you don't want to talk you don't have to but I want to tell you everything. So please listen."
The words somehow managed to flow out of my mouth. Who knew that the words were just on the tip of my tongue the whole time?
"I always listen to you Yuri and yes ... I agree we do need to talk and I'm willing to talk about everything you have mentioned." Viktor said seriously. Suddenly I felt the familiar feeling of anxiety gnawing at my stomach. I began to sweat. My heart thumping. My brain going at high speeds.
Come on Yuri! Pull yourself together! You can do it! You did want this talk after all so let's get it over and done with.
I breathed in for four seconds.
1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ...
Held for 6.
1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ...
And finally breathed out for 8.
1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ...

Now calm, I sorted out what I was going to say and I was going to say it calm and relaxed.
If Viktor responds with something negative then I'm sure you and Viktor can sort something out. You are pretty close to him...

I just realized Viktor has been standing there the whole time watching me so I first apologize and begin the talk...

A/N - Hey guys! It's me ... the author ... okay don't worry. Anyway, I already know the next chapter but I was wondering do any of you want anything in particular happening. If so please comment and let me know. Plus do you guys even like this story? If not please tell me how I can improve it or if I should stop it ....
Okay bye guys! Love y'all!!

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