Part 25

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Viktor P.O.V
I sneaked a small glance at Yuri and I saw his face gazed around. He was hypnotized by the mesmerising sights that gave his face a look of shock and astonishment. It was hecka adorable! If this was the way, in which, his anxiety disappears then so be it! I decided I would take him sight seeing so his nerves won't bother him as much.
"Hey Yuri..." I said softly. Yuri turned around and faced me. His face shine vibrantly due to all the light coming from the electronic boards. His eyes sparkled with interest, while I gazed down at him lovingly.
"Do you want to go sight-seeing?" I observed Yuri's reaction and it was unexpected to say the least. His eyes widened with curiosity and he took in this huge gasp. Meanwhile, his mouth became bigger. He nodded his head vigorously. I could tell he was really pumped for this.
"I have already toured this city before so I know many of the different sites and monuments in the area. Again he just nodded his head enthusiastically.
"Mmmkay. Let's go!" I shouted trying and failing to match Yuri's excitement.

The skyscrapers were so tall and the random cherry blossoms that were dotted all over the area were absolutely stunning. I had never seen a tree so full of blossom. You can't really find these in Russia. Yuri and I wondered around aimlessly or so I thought. Turned out, Yuri had read this booklet on our area so he new many of the buildings. I must say, the way his eyes light up and shimmer when he talks about something else is a side of Yuri I have never ever seen before. However, I love it! It is such a cute aspect to Yuri.
"- and so this is why this park is so important... VIKTOR! Were you paying any attention at all!?" Yuri pouted at me. This was a very bad time to tune in. What do I say?
"Yeah! I was paying attention! It is a very important park." Hopefully Yuri won't ask me anything else.
"Why? Why is it important?" Yuri questioned me, in an interrogating tone.
"Well... Uhhhhh..."
Yuri raised his eyebrow at me in a sceptical matter.
"A dog flew over this park to plant seeds in the soil. Then a water dragon watered them and a lion have them warmth. The dog, dragon and lion all became best friends and lived happily ever after?" I said, clearly making it up.
"You are right." Yuri said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. Wow... Who knew Yuri could be so sassy.
"Okay I'm listening now. I was thinking about something beautiful." I mumbled dreamily.
"Well, what is it? Maybe I can give you information on it." Yuri looked up at me with a slight blush upon his face. I gently placed my hand on his soft cheek and I leant in slowly. It was a sweet kiss that was not as lustful or passionate as others but it was a kiss that conveyed more emotion that the others could.

We stood in a comfortable silence. I placed my arms around Yuri's waist and Yuri wrapped his around my neck. He rested his head on my chest, while I rested mine on Yuri's head. It was a moment that I enjoyed immensely. I genuinely enkoyed being around Yuri. He made me happy, smile, laugh and, most importantly, he let me be me. He let me goofy, stupid, emotional and he didn't complain or critisize or make run of me. Instead, he laughed at my jokes, made me feel better. No wonder why I fell for this man...

A/N- Sup, everyone? How are you? Well I hope you are having a terrific day! It is 11:35pm as I write this and I can feel my eyes droopong so I better go. Remember you matter,you are loved and you are special. No matter who you are! Love y'all!!! Bye!!! 💗💗💗

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