Part 15

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Viktor P.O.V
My sides were so sore after laughing for so long with Yuri. We both forgot what we laughing about. Anyway I followed Yuri to breakfast because I could hear my stomach growling for food. For breakfast we had some miso soup for breakfast and it was finger-licking! So delicious!
"Yuri, once you are finished meet me at the beach so we can discuss what we need to do in order to make your free skate better. Also we need music." I watched Yuri gobble down his miso soup in record timing.
"Mmmmm....Kay" Yuri murmured very distracted. I don't think he heard anything I said but that's his fault. Not mine. I quickly changed into my regular skating clothes : a loose, white t-shirt and a pair of black jogging bottoms. Then I grabbed my brown jacket and threw on my light gray, woollen scarf before I ventured outside, to the beach. Oh! I forgot about Makkachin. Then I dashed to my room grabbed a couple of bags and some treats for Makkachin in case he gets hungry. I whistled for Makkachin to come and usually he obeys and he arrives right away but today he didn't. I wonder where he is and what he is doing.

Makkachin isn't in the living room or kitchen or my room so the last possible room is Yuri's.
I knocked quietly before letting myself in.
He better not be asleep because we need to train.
I found Makkachin sleeping peacefully at the end of Yuri's bed.
Huh... Makkachin must really like Yuri.
"Hey Makkachin... Come on buddy... Wake up..." I tried to wake up Makkachin but he seemed to be out like a light. What a shame.
"Viktor!" I turned around and saw Yuri standing there shirtless and with a cute frown upon his face.
"What are you doing Viktor?" He asked He seemed slightly annoyed but also his question was quite genuine at the same time well.
"W-well... I was l-looking for Makkachin and it turns out he was in your b-bedroom." I stuttered. His toned chest was the reason for this stuttering.

Yuri P.O.V
Viktor was looking everywhere but at my face and it looked like he was blushing. That's when I realized. I'm shirtless! I could feel my face heat up and then Viktor noticed me blushing wildly and laughed while stepping closer to me. He tenderly place his hand on my cheek while tilting my face so I was looking directly at him. Honestly I was just getting lost in his eyes. His eyes were so I've, cold yet so loving and comforting.

For the second time that day, we were leaning closer and closer until we were inches apart and then we both hesitated. It was almost like we were expecting someone to interupt us. I couldn't take it anynore I leaned on until our lips met. Finally we had kissed. I could feel his hand lingering on my cheek as my arms made their way around his neck. It felt wonderful. His lips were just as soft as I imagined and somehow my hands were all tangled up in his silver hair. Wow it was so soft yet so thick at the same time which is a nice texture.

We both pulled apart slowly and unwillingly as if we both didnt want it to end. Well I didn't want it to end. We both just looked at each other shocked but glad at what just happened. We stayed like that for a few moments before kissing once more. Then Viktor left to the beach with Makkachin who was awake by this point. He must have heard the sparks fly.
I can't wait to kiss him again.
Then I remembered, I'm still shirtless!

A/N- Sorry that it took so long to kiss It's just that every time they came to kiss in last chapters I didn't feel like it was right so I didn't do it plus it was kind of fun to tease you guys. Anywya hope you are having a wonderful, marvellous, magnificent day because honestly you deserve it!!! Okay well you know the drill. Comment of you wabt anything to change/happen in chapters or you can just comment to let my know how I am doing! Anyway Love y'all!!! Bye!!! ❤❤❤

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