Chapter 4: Claudine Frollo

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Heidi's POV

I looked at the girl that stood in front of my table, her blonde hair was as straight as it could get, she wore a dark purple dress that fell to the floor, a black hat, and a pair of nice black heels. Her name was Claudine Frollo, and she was the daughter of Claude Frollo. "Well look who came down from their bell tower." I answered back. "What's wrong Claudine? Getting tired of your father giving you the Quasimodo treatment?" I asked already annoyed with her being around me. Claudine and I use to be the best of friends, but that all came to an end when I my brother dumped Claudine, and started dating Ginny. She blames me for the break up because I talked my brother into dumping her, which to set the record straight I had no part in that. My brother just could deal with Claudine's personality anymore, not that Ginny's was any betters. "You know that pirates are not allowed in this shop." Claudine said sticking her nose in the air. "Relax, before you hurt yourself." I take another sip of my coffee. Claudine's face turns in a scowl, "My father is trying to run a respectful business here, and we both would appreciate it if you and your kind did not choose to show yourself here anymore." I couldn't hold it any longer, I bust out laughing. "May I ask, what you think is so funny?" she said the scowl still present on her face. "First, there is no such thing as a respectful business, you are on the Isle remember. Secondly, I cannot speak for anyone else but me, and with that I have to say that I decline your uptight rules." I smile. Claudine just shook her head, "Okay I tried to be nice, but since that didn't work." She slammed her hands on the table, "You go tell Uma, that if I catch another pirate defacing my father's shop, I will deal with it myself." I giggled at her response. "Oh, you got me shaking in my heels." I mocked her. "What makes you think that Uma will listen to me?" I asked not sure if she remembered Uma or not. "Because you are one of her lackeys, now this is my final warning." Claudine stood up straight and fixed her dress, just as she was about walk away I grabbed her arm, "Okay look here you arrogant, self-righteous, deluded, hypocritical, judgmental prude, if you ever threaten me again, I promise you that this little shop wouldn't be standing the next day." I let go of her arm and sit back down. "Now I see why your father thinks you are mistake." I shot her a death glare as I stand up, "Claudine, now I see why brother dumped you." I fire back, I then dump the rest of my coffee on her dress. "OH, MY GOD!" Claudine yelled. "consider this a message from Uma's crew." I flip my hair over my shoulder and start to walk out, but now before I am hit in the back of the head with something. I put my hand on the back of my head and when I pull my hand away, I see that it is white sauce. I turn to face Claudine, who is smiling. "Well look at that, white isn't the best color on you." She laughs. I pick up someone's rotten lasagna and smash it in Claudin's face. "You Harlot!" she screams whipping away the food from her face. Before this fight could escalate any further a booming voice, "THAT'S ENOUGH! I DON'T NEED ANY MORE PEOPLE MAKING A MESS IN MY SHOP!" Claude Frollo says from the back room. "You better listen to your daddy and crawl back up to your bell tower Claudmodo." I snap at her. She just stands there for a moment, then huffs loudly, "This isn't over." She said heading to the back. "Not by a long shot." I finish her statement. I pay for my drink as I head back out to the streets. As I am walking, I was just about to steal this diamond bracelet, but I was caught off guard when I hear someone call my name, "Heidi!" I turn towards the voice to see a girl with black hair, a dark red coat, white long sleeve shirt, black leather skirt, black ripped leggings underneath the skirt, and black knee high heel boots with red laces. As soon I the girl comes closer I immediately recognize her. Harriet Hook the oldest of the Hook kids. "Hey Harriet." I smile. Harriet and I are on okay terms. Mostly because it rare that we run into each other. "Have you seen my brother?" Harriet asked, now standing in front of me. "Nope sorry, I haven't seen Harry yet today. Have you tried the fish and chip shop?" I ask. If Harry was anywhere besides the Jolly Roger is was the chip shop. 'That was the first place I looked. I swear I have looked at all his usual spots." Harriet said sounding kind of defected. "Why are you looking for Harry anyways?" I ask my curiosity peaked. "He never came home last night, and father is not happy about it, also he never showed up for his shift at the intel shop." I knew what Harry was in for and it wasn't going to be pleasant. "Hello Ladies." A voice says from behind us. I turn around, as I do I almost threw up my breakfast. He was tall, elegant, his dark hair perfectly in place, his clothes are worn and ragged just like everyone else's here on the Isle. But somehow, he made himself look better than the rest of us. To the untrained eye, it looked like he was wearing custom tailored clothes. His dark leather coat that was cut perfectly, and his dark washed jeans. He had a voice that made you think he was bored of any conversation he was having. "Hi Anthony." Harriett said dreamily. His name was Anthony Tremaine, one of the sons to Anastasia Tremaine,

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