Chapter 15: Bad Timing

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Heidi's POV

I giggled an evil giggle, "I was just having a little bit of fun." I strength out the gum out of my mouth, smiling at him mischievously. "Well you almost blew it in there." Harry barked. "I am so sorry that I interrupted the lover's reunion." I sarcastically dramatized, wiping a fake tear from me eye. "It wasn't like that." Harry defend himself, "Oh so all the smiling you did, or how about how you ran your hook through her hair, and the worst of all, you almost her gum in her mouth," Harry was about say something but I wasn't done ranting, "If was bad enough that you ruin my morning with your talk of hooking up with some girl, who I already have an idea on who it was, but you expect me just stand there watching Mal and you flirt." I took a deep breath, "Mal and I broke up the day she shattered my heart and left for Bore-adon, as for last night, it was just it was just one night fling." Harry explained. "Seems like you have a lot of one night flings." I shot back at him, "Heidi, why are ye getting so bent out of shape about this?" That question threw me off guard, I couldn't think of a logical explanation. "You're acting like ye are my girlfriend." I blew a bubble with the gum and it popped, "Sounds like you have plenty of girlfriends already." I turn my back to him, "I have had one girlfriend my entire life, and I have slept with two girls." I felt Harry's hook grip my right hand. "Ye have no reason to act jealous." I turn around, looking up into his eyes, "I am not only that acts like this, you act like this whenever Clay is around me." I say gripping his hook tightly, "That is different, Clay isn't good enough for you, he's cold, manipulative, power-hungry, violent, cruel, selfish, and arrogant." I tilt my head to the side, "Shouldn't I decide who is and who isn't good enough for me?" With his free hand, Harry rubs the back of his neck, "I am just look for ya, you are my friend and I don't want you to get hurt." I pat his cheek. "Careful Harry, it's starting to sound like you care about me." Harry grips my hand on his cheek and brought it to my side, "Ye really going to stand there and say that you don't care about me." I step on his feet so that I was now eye level with him, "I never said that now did I?" I kiss his cheek, "I care about you, more than you know." Harry tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear with his hook, "I know plenty." He leaned forward, "Hey guy!" we heard Gil shout. Harry and I pull away from each other as Gil runs over to us, "You won't believe who I just saw." Harry and I look at each, then back to Gil, "Who Gil? Who did you see?" I asked wondering if he saw Mal. "I was stealing eggs because Uma gets mad at for eating them all and then not helping her replace them, but it is her shop, so why wouldn't she just steal them." Gil started rambling on and on. "GIL! JUST TELL US WHO YOU SAW!" I snapped not being able to listen to anymore of his nonsense. "Right, I ran into Carlos, Evie, Jay...." Harry cut him off, "So what Gil, they are most likely here to see Mal." Harry said pointing his hook at Gil's throat. "You didn't let me finish. King Ben was with them." That caught Harry and I's attention very quick, "Gil, did you just say that King Ben was here on the Isle?" I asked. Gil nodded his head, "Yeah he was wearing a blue ski cape, a blue jacket with gold design, dark colored fingerless gloves, dark blue jeans, and black boots." Gil described everything he could remember. "Gil how do you know for sure it was Ben?" Gil thought about for a moment, "I recognized him from one of the posters, plus when I called him out on it, everyone started acting funny, they the four took off." I turned to Harry, the both of shared the same evil smile. "Are you thinking what I am thinking?" I asked him. Harry nodded his head slowly, He leaned his forehead against mine, "We just found our meal ticket off this miserable rock." I pulled my forehead away from his, "We need to inform Uma of this right away." I said, Harry nodded his head agreeing with me. "Inform Uma of what?" Gil asked suddenly. I slap Gil on the back of the head, "About King Ben and the rest of the VK's being on the Isle." Gil smiled and nodded his head, "I was just on way to tell Uma, but then I found you two." As Gil said that, I looked at Harry, my mind thinking of what would have happened if Gil wouldn't have found us. I could tell by the look on Harry's face that he was thinking the same thing I was. "Well come on!" Gil said running down that Alley, "Last one to the fish & chips has to buy!" Gil yelled disappearing down the alley, "Heidi?" Harry asked, "Yeah?" I ask back, "You want me to save you some food?" I was about to ask Harry about our moment, "Yes." I said flat out. Harry nodded his head taking off down the alley. I stood there for the longest time just thinking about Harry and I, was he going to kiss me? I shook my head of the thoughts of what might have been, I need to focus on the now. King Ben is here on the Isle, that mean he can get off and we will finally be free and get our revenge on all those who trapped us here. I took off, heading to the fish & chip shop to meet up with others.

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