Chapter 3: Coffin

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"What are you talking about? Dad just died and you are throwing me a dinner party?!" I scream. 

She sighs and stalks out of the room, but not before throwing the maid's all pointed looks. Their pudgy hands begin pulling and prodding me. My claustrophobia begins taking over as I struggle to breathe. The rip off my clothes and throw me in a tub of hot water, as if I'm nothing but a doll. They leave me there while they rush out of the room to get clothes. I let the heat sink into my skin as my breathing becomes somewhat normal again. The maids rush back into the room with their supplies. They pull me out of the water and wrap me in a soft towel. 

"There you go, miss," one of the maids drying me off says. I blankly stare at her before my eyes move to the window. After slipping on silk underthings, they cover me with a dark blue dress. They tighten the ribbons at the back before moving to my hair. The pull my platinum waves into a loose bun, letting a few straggling tendrils frame my face. They turn me around to face the mirror. My clear, blue eyes stare back at me, a dark contrast to my pale skin. I curl a piece of hair behind my ear before waving the maids off. When they don't leave, I shoot the head maid my most innocent look. 

"I will stay here until mother comes to get me." 

But even as she leaves, I know there's no way in Heaven and Earth that I'm staying locked up in this stuffy coffin of a room. 

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