Chapter 27

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My eyes stay fixed on the sword at the girl's neck. 

"What are you doing?" I say, my voice slightly shaking. 

Ailee looks at me. "This wretch was found stealing food at the markets, which the punishment for that is death."

 "On whose orders?!" I yell, getting angry.


I fold my arms and stalk up to her. "What makes you think you can give those orders? I know you're the princess of the kingdom wannabe at the moment, but that doesn't mean you can give orders. I am still the real princess of this kingdom, which means what?" 

I take a step closer and look her in the eye. 

"It means that I'm the one who gives the orders around here, Ailee," I spit. 

She removes the sword from the girl's throat and closes the distance between us. 

Darien steps in between us. "Ailee, she does have a point. Besides, the girl was probably just hungry."

Ailee and I both shoot Darien the same shocked expression. 

"Who's side are you even on?" 

Darien looks between Ailee and me. 

Darien's P.O.V. 

What did I get myself into? 

I should've never joined Ailee in her campaign to take over the kingdom. I want revenge for my mother, but...not in this way. She never would've wanted me to make the child of the one who killed her suffer. But even so...

Ariana's P.O.V

Darien looks like he's regretting every decision he's ever made in his life. 

I sigh and push past Ailee towards the girl. 

"What's your name?" 

The sound of Darien arguing with his "sister" is drowned out in the distance as the girl looks at me with her dark green eyes. 

"Alissa," she says, her soft voice barely above a whisper. 

My eyes shift around the area. 

The two men are still holding onto her, their eyes shifting from me to Ailee. My eyes move to their wrist. I bite back a gasp. They're royal guards dressed as pirates. They have the royal seal tattooed on their wrists. One catches me looking and pulls his sleeve down over it. I straighten up and look him in the eye. 

"You know who the rightful ruler of this kingdom is, don't you?" 

He swallows hard as a bead of sweat rolls down his balding head. I cock my head to the side. 

"Traitor," I spit before grabbing his sword and pulling it out of his scabbard.

 In one quick movement, I slice the bonds off of the girl and grab her arm. 

With her hand in mine and the traitor's sword in the other, we run. 

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