Chapter 7

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I place my hands on my hips and glare at him. He smiles even wider. I roll my eyes and shove past him out the door. 

"I didn't get your name!" he shouts after me. 

I break into a run and don't stop until I'm safely on the castle grounds. Slipping my hood on, I climb the tree next to my window until I'm level with my window. I breathe a sigh of relief, it's still open. Carefully placing my hand on the sill, I pull myself over until I'm hanging from the sill. I cry out in pain as my arm scrapes against a nail next to the window. Shaking off the pain, I pull myself into the room. Crashing onto the floor, I immediately shut the window. I hold my arm up to examine it, a gash runs from my wrist to my inner elbow. I curse before standing up. Rushing over to my drawer, I pull out a bandage. After binding my arm, I peel off my dirty dress and slip on my dress for the ball. Making sure my arm is covered, I slip on some lacy gloves. I look at my face in the mirror before sweeping some light pink gloss on my lips. I force a smile at myself in the mirror and repeat my mother's words in my head.

 "Smile, even if you feel like dying inside, you can hide all those feelings with a smile." 

I tip my chin and push open my door. Time to play pretend. 

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