Chapter 40

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The man's eyes grow wide as he throws his hands in the air. 

I cock my head to the side. "Go steer the ship to land."

The man's eyes flit from me to Julius, then back to me. 

"NOW!" I roar. 

A whimper escapes his lips before he turns around and dashes up the stairs to the steering wheel. 

"Let's bind them," I say to Darien. 

He nods and, keeping his gun raised, walks over to the winded rope sitting at the edge of the deck.

He picks it up and begins binding Julius first. I remove my knife from his neck when the binds are tight enough. 

My eyes lock with Darien's. "Tie him to the pole." 

Darien nods and drags a squirming Julius to the red pole at the front of the ship. 

Julius struggles harder. 

Darien growls and delivers a swift blow to Julius's eye with his pale fist. 

I turn to the other crewmen, all regarding me with wary eyes. 

I tip my chin. "Observe the weakness of your captain." 

None of them move. 

Somewhere a crow squawks. 

I nod slowly. "How loyal you are." 

The man in the front flinches as my heels click on the deck. The ends of my crimson head bind blow in the wind.

"However, you are pirates, pirates who look like they can be bought with gold." 

Murmurs drift through the men. 

I raise my head higher. 

"If you follow me and acknowledge me as your Queen, then I swear on my royal soul that you will be rewarded handsomely." 

The man in the front takes a cautious step forward. 

"I will follow you."

Julius shouts from his place on the flagpole. 


Darien shoves a gag in his mouth, muffling his words. 

The man kneels before me. "I'll follow ye, Miss." 

Many of the other scruffy pirates exchange glances with each other. They kneel in unison.

"We will all follow ye, miss." 

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