Chapter 16

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"You won't get away with this, " I spit. 

He presses his face to the bars. "I think I will." 

I panic as my mind scrambles to find a solution. A light bulb goes off in my head. "I have-" Suddenly, a loud bang sounds outside the dungeon. 

My head snaps up. "What was that?" 

Darien throws me a dirty look before walking outside to check. Another bang sound before Darien comes running back in. 

"Get up."

 I raise my eyebrows. "Excuse me-" 

He rushes to the cage and unlocks it. "Another band of pirates is after you, they want the kingdom for themselves." 

My eyes widen, then narrow. "How do you know that?"  

"I heard the leader shouting, if he sees either of us, we're dead." 

"Why don't you just leave me and go then?" 

He finally pushes the door open. "I want to keep you off the throne, not kill you." 

My eyebrows crease as he grabs my wrists and pulls me up. "Follow me, keep your mouth shut and your eyes down." 

I clamp my mouth shut. I'd rather deal with someone I barely know than someone I don't know at all. If the castle really is under attack, I need to use Darien to get out of here. 

A fleeting thought of my mother runs through my head. 

"She'll take care of herself," I mumble to myself. 

I follow Darien quietly out of the dungeon. "Darien," I whisper. 

"What?" he says, his eyes still on the hallway before us. 

"You don't know where you're going." 

He turns around to look at me. "And you do?" 

I roll my eyes and push past him. "I've only been living in this castle all my life." 

I panic as footsteps begin echoing in the hallway. I place my hands on the tapestry next to us and push it to the side. I ram my shoulder into it and it bursts open. 

"Hurry, someone could've heard that." Darien throws me a look before stepping in before me. I gingerly step in after him and close the door behind us, the tapestry swings back over it just as the other band of pirates comes towards us.

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