Chapter 14: Loyalty

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I lead Darien into the dark room and motion for him to light the candle. It casts a soft glow over our faces as our shadows dance on the walls. 

"What did you want to take about?" 

He inhales a sharp breath. "My father isn't just here to negotiate the terms of the sea." 

I sigh. "I know, and my mother didn't invite him here to do just that either."

 I look up at him from under my lashes. "What else is he doing here then?" 

He looks around the room, as if scanning it for others, before focusing his eyes back on me. "Because your father is gone, you are next in line for the throne. You need support, and having the pirates on your side would be a good thing...for you." 

I crease my eyebrows. "For me?" 

He traces his fingers along the table standing between us before coming up to me. 

"You see, princess, who's to say that once you become Queen, you won't outlaw us and kick us off the seas like your father did?" 

I shake my head. "I'm not sure I understand the nature of this conversation..." 

He slips his hand into his coat pocket before continuing. "Your mother and my father want you on the throne, but my father is blinded by the promise of riches your mother made. However, I'm not as blind as he is." 

My breath catches as the walls of the room start closing in on me. I grip the edge of the table. "Darien, I don't understand what you're say-" 

He slams his hand down on the table, making the candle's flame flicker. 

"Yes, you do! Because you are just like your father, you will use us and then throw us away like the scraps you throw to the animals!" 

The fire burns in his eyes. 

I swallow, hard. "Darien, don't make the mistake of thinking you know me. If I decide to align myself with the pirates, then I will reward you accordingly for your support in making me Queen." 

He laughs bitterly. "Liar," he spits before pulling his hand out of his pocket. He opens his palm to reveal a white cloth. My eyes widen as I realize what it is. Before I have time to react, he presses it to my nose and mouth. I struggle against his grip before I begin fading in and out of consciousness. My body weakens as I feel my strength leaving me. 

I close my eyes and give in to the darkness waiting there. 

Hello, lovely doves! Please vote and comment, and as always thank you so much for all your support! What do you think Darien plans to do with her? 

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