Chapter 4: Don't Come for Me

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As soon as the maids leave, I pull my darkest cloak from my closet and fasten it at my neck. The royal seal glints in the sunlight. I push my hair back and hook my fingers under the rusty latch on the glass window pane.  Forcing all my adrenaline into my arm, I push the latch open and the window swings into the open air. The cool breeze washes over me, bathing me in its fresh scent.  I pull my black lace-up boots on and tighten the laces. I move back the open window and place the tip of my boot on the edge. Swinging my other leg over the sill, I stand outside the window, at the edge. I look down at the drop beneath me and swallow a scream. Pushing down my fear, I close my eyes and jump. 

My feet hit the cobblestones with a hard 'click'. I lose my balance and fall forward. Standing up, my ring snags on a hole in the dress.

 Mother's going to kill me for that.

 I shake my head and lower my body next to the castle wall.  Moving my feet slowly, I sneak past the guards. Slipping my dark hood over my platinum waves, I slink into the darkness cast over the dark dirt road.

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