Chapter 20

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My feet collide with the water first. I gasp before my head is plunged under the waves. I force my legs to move and swim upward until my face breaks through the waves. 

"Darien!" I scream. 

Moments later, Darien appears on top of the water. He swims towards me. His white hair hangs in wet strands around his pale face. 

"You okay?" He asks once he reaches me. 

I nod. "Yeah, fine." 


My eyes grow wide at the tone of his voice. "I saved your life, if we had stayed there any longer, we'd both be dead!"

He scoffs. "So this was your solution? Jump into the freezing cold water with no way to get back to land?!" 

"I didn't have much time to think!" I shoot back. 

The sound of a gunshot makes me jump. Julius's voice follows shortly after. 

"They're alive, shoot 'em boys! I don't care who she is, I want them both dead!" 

Darien grabs a fistful of my platinum waves and pushes me back under the water. The gunshots ring in the air before hitting the water, barely missing us. He releases me and we both swim as fast as our legs can push us away from the shooting. 

Suddenly, a dark shadow looms over us. I look up through waves to find the silhouette of

a large ship. 

One of my ships? Has my mother alerted my soldiers about my kidnapping?

My eyes grow wider as I catch sight of the flag. A white skull sits grinning in the middle of the darkness. 

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