Chapter 38

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I turn to Darien. "On the count of three, we both push as hard as we can on the door, got it?"

He nods. "1, 2, 3!" 

We both ram out shoulders into the bars and push as hard as possible. The bars don't budge. 

I sigh. "Again." 

We ram our shoulders into the bars five more times before we give up. 

"We didn't even put a dent in them." 

My eyes slide around the room to look for another escape route. I notice some powder sitting on the ground. Black powder. 

I walk over to it and rub it in between my fingertips. My lips pull into a half smile. 

"Gun powder." 

"What?" Darien asks coming over to me. 

I look up at him. "I think I know how we're going to get out of here."


After some searching, I find two rocks that will work. I rub them together until they spark flames. Darien pushes the powder towards the gate. 

"It's a fairly small amount, it won't cause too big of an explosion." 

I nod before closing my eyes and dropping the flaming rock onto the powder. Darien wraps his arms around me and pulls me back as the gunpowder explodes. I squeeze my eyes shut as the eruption blows metal pieces everywhere. I push Darien off of me and stand up. The stairs creak as men run down them. They reach the cage as the smoke clears. Darien and I stand together, me with my knife and him with his gun. The men throw their hands up in the air. I move past them as Darien keeps his gun pointed. The blinding light hits me as I reach the top. 

Julius stands there, his facial feature contorted into a confused expression. His beady eyes catch sight of the men behind us. 


I can feel the men trembling behind us. I tip my chin and strut up to Julius. 

"We're taking the ship."

I deliver a swift kick to his shin, making him fall to the ground.  Pressing my knife to his neck, I bark my orders. 

"You will all drop your weapons, or we will KILL your captain!" I roar. 

The men drop their weapons after looking at each other. 

Julius's rat eyes lock with mine. "You can't get away with this, I mean a little girl taking a ship full of men, that is-" 

I push my knife deeper into his chubby neck. "Shut it!" 

Darien walks past me with his gun still raised and presses it to Julius's head. 

The man behind the wheel comes running down the steps, seemingly oblivious to the situation.

"Captain! Captain, we've reached the-" he stops short at the end of the stairs. 

I shoot him a glare. 

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