Chapter 56

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Our swords clash, the sound of metal upon metal ringing in the air. I drown out the sounds of the men charging towards each other. I push her back, forcing her to fall back into the mud. She growls and stands up, raising her sword again. 

Darien's P.O.V.

I tear my eyes away from my love fighting with my sister and turn to the fight at hand, cutting down man after man, making sure to wound, but never kill them. 

I wince as a man's sword slices my forearm. I knock him out with the hilt of my sword. My eyes catch sight of a man retreating into the forest. Slowly, a few others begin to follow them. 

Ariana's P.O.V. 

My eyes scan the mess of men for Darien. I catch a flash of his blood red coat disappearing into the woods. 

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