Chapter 43

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"Keep your head down!" Darien shouts as he pulls out his pistol. 

I lower my head and take the reigns from Darien. Keeping my eyes forward, I urge the horse ahead as gunshots ring through the air, hitting the dirt road beside us. 

"We need to lose them!" Darien shouts, as another gunshot rings through the air. 

I nod and look for a place to go. My eyes land on the castle ahead of us. 

"I'm taking us to the castle, the guards recognize me there! They'll draw the bridge behind us!" 

Digging my heels into the horse's sides, I spur it forward. Darien turns back around and wraps his arms around my waist. My eyes widen at the sight before me, the bridge is being drawn. 

"Ariana, can you do this?!" Darien shouts, his eyes also catching sight of the bridge. 

"Yes!" I shout. 


I swallow and grip the reigns so hard, my knuckles turn white. I inhale a sharp breath and the horse jumps. The sound of my heart pounding rings in my ears as we fly through the air. The two guards drawing the bridge drop the ropes just as we land. 

I release a sigh of relief I hadn't realized I've been holding. 

We made it.

Darien's arms around my waist relax. "You did it."

I nod as the horse slows into a gentle trot. 

"It's the princess!" one of the guards shouts. 

Darien hops off of the horse and gently lifts me off. 

The guard pulls out his sword and points it at Darien's neck. 

"Your father's been looking for you, boy. He's been an emotional wreck since he found you were missing."

Darien swallows and takes a step back from the shining sword. 

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