Chapter 41

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The ship docks at dawn. 

The pirates anchor it and they hop off the ship, swords at the ready. 

I smooth the wrinkles in my dress as much as possible and let Darien give me a hand off of the ship. My heeled boots hit the shore with a splash. A spray of mud splatters onto my dress as I step onto the rocks. 

Darien flanks me. "What's the plan, princess?" 

"We need to come up with a strategy to get into my castle. No doubt still under siege by the other half of Julius's pirates." 

Darien nods. "Princess, maybe you should let us do the fighting."

I spin around and glare at him.  "What?"

He clears his throat. "You are the princess, if something happens to you-"

"Nothing is going to happen to me. I'll be fine." I turn back around. 

Darien steps in front of me, blocking my path. "There is no guarantee of that."

My eyes soften at the look in his. "I'll be fine," I repeat.

He bends as his eyes lock with mine.  "I just-"

"Darien, what is your problem?"

He digs his boots into the sand and looks down at them. 

"I don't want you to get hurt."

I close the distance between us. "Darien-" 

Suddenly,  an explosion erupts in the sand near us. I turn to find one of the pirates fumbling with the explosives bag.

I stomp over to them. "What the heck was that?!" 

The pirate gulps. 

I shoot him a glare before ripping the bag from his fingers and shoving it into the arms of a bulkier pirate. 

"Do not mess up," I bark, before going back to Darien.

"Darien, we need to get to the stables. We need horses."

Darien nods before shouting a few orders at the men.

I sheath my sword and keep moving.


We've been walking for about three hours now.

"Do you have a plan for the horses?" Darien asks. 

I throw him a sideways glance before my eyes focus ahead again. 

"I'll take that as a no." 

"I was hoping you could help me with that because you're you know..."

".....a pirate?" he finishes. 


"Well, I suppose I do have some knowledge that could help us."

"So, you are a good stealer then?"

He stops in front of me, at the beginning of the first road into the kingdom.

"Oh no, love. I'm not a good stealer."

He throws me a mischievous smile. 

"I'm just very good at acquiring things that aren't mine."

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