Chapter 3

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Hello again. If anyone wants to discuss any theories in the comments you're welcome to do so. Without further ado here's chapter 3...

Elide screamed.

Manon had pushed her out of the way of Maeve as she, Lysandra, and Aedion took on Maeve.

Aelin rose on her shaky legs. Erawan was gone. Lorcan's sacrifice had worked.

"Where is he?" Elide cried. "Where's Lorcan?"

Aelin limped towards the girl and flung her arm over her shoulders. "He saved us all, Elide."

Elide pushed Aelin's arm and slide to the ground, weeping.

Aedion's fae form was covered in blood, a cut oozed for the side of his face. Lysandra's fur had bloody bald spots, her claws shredded. Aelin didn't dare glance over at the others. She limped towards Manon, who iron nails were black and her side had a large gash.

"Manon," Aelin's voice rasped. "Go to Elide."

Manon nodded and edged backwards to Elide. Aedion got a blast of Maeve's dark power and was thrown backwards. Maeve's chuckle could be heard over her darkness. Lysandra growled, preparing to pounce.

"She's mine," Aelin rasped again.

Lysandra crept backwards, still ready to attack if Maeve was going to lunge for Aelin.

"You're a coward, Aelin," Maeve said covered by her power.

Aelin snorted although it hurt to do so. "Not anymore, Aunt. I'm not a coward anymore. You are, however, hiding behind the darkness." Aelin limped forward, digging into her last bits of power. "Are you afraid of the light, Majesty?"

Maeve's power flickered. It was failing her. "Not at all." Maeve split a path between her power, revealing her pale, ancient face. "You are near a burnout."

She couldn't let that happen. Aelin couldn't let the burnout kill her. She wouldn't let Lorcan's sacrifice be for nothing.

"He thought he was saving you," Maeve scoffed. "He was trying to give you a chance with your mate." Maeve's grin was wicked, despite the blood in the corner.

"Come on, Maeve. Or are you scared?" Aelin scooped up a knife that one of her friends had dropped. "What would Doranelle say if they saw their Queen cowering from -  what did you call me? Oh, yes. A child."

Maeve's dark eyes glittered. She hit Lysandra with a shot of power. The ghost leopard skidded across the floor and whimpered. Maeve hit Aedion square in his chest and sent him flying as well. Manon came to Aelin's side, clutching her abdomen. Blood seeped through her fingers.

"She's nearly out," Manon whispered to Aelin.

"Did you enjoy killing your sister, witch?" Maeve spat.

Manon charged at the Fae Queen. She got as far as five inches from Maeve's face before she was thrown through the air. Manon's iron nails had managed to tear Maeve's beautiful, dark robes. Maeve clicked her tongue as she inspected them.

"All this chitchat, Aunt," Aelin scolded. Was Maeve buying herself time by talking? Aelin needed time to restore her power as well. "We are both depleted of our magics. Why don't we do this the fun, personal way?" Aelin grinned as the knife in her hand glinted in the light.

"Aelin!" Dorian cried from where the others were taking down Cairn, who looked like defeat would be upon him any minute. Dorian threw another dagger across the room.

Aelin caught the blade between her fingers and turned back to Maeve.

"Oh, it would be my pleasure, Aelin," Maeve grinned. "But no one is to interfere with magic or steel."

"I'll only make that promise if you do the same," Aelin shot her a pointed look.

Maeve cut her palm. "I swear that none of my warriors will interfere. Magic will not be involved in this fight, as long as you do the same."

Aelin glanced at Fenrys, still on the floor, bowing to his Queen. His eyes slid to Aelin. She willed him to fight it. Fight her command, her control.

"I swear that none of my court-"

There was a heavy thud.

"Aelin," Rowan gasped, "no."

Cairn's head rolled to a stop, his body a messy heap on the cold floor.

"-Will interfere," Aelin continued her vow. "And no magic shall be used in this long as you do the same." She tilted her head to the bitch-Queen.

"Aelin," Rowan repeated.

Gavriel ran to Fenrys, trying to help him fight her command. Dorian and Choal joined his side.

Dorian said, "It's Cain all over again."

Choal clapped a hand on Dorian's shoulder. "That means she'll win."

Aelin prayed to the Gods that she would make it out alive from this. She gripped the knives in her hands tight. One more person. One more until the world can be happy.

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