Chapter 19

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Manon had answered Aelin's questions as best as she could.

Left you let go, right you fight.  Aelin let that spin round her mind as Lysandra and Aedion received congratulations from the others. She had asked Manon if the child would survive the birth, as well as herself.

Crying. So many tears.

Aelin then asked the witch what would the child's power be if it was to survive. Manon hadn't been able to give clear, certain answers but she told her what she could see and feel about the future.

Deepest blue. Power that engulfs Erelia. Blood everywhere. Screaming. Then the calm. Such soothing calm.

Aelin wanted to scream from her frustration. As if sensing her temper, Rowan stalked inside. He raised his eyebrows at her. At least he could tell him one good thing that Manon had answered...that's if he wanted to know.

"Would it be alright if Lorcan and I took a trip down to Perranth for the weekend?" Elide asked, interrupting her thoughts. "We could get things settled down there and then re-join you to help with preparations for your coronation?"

Aelin tapped the arm of the couch. She didn't want to say goodbye to Elide just yet. She looked at Lorcan. He smiled at her. He's planning something. It would get Elide away from the threat of the magic used on Lord Darrow...and it was Elide's home. "Of course," Aelin smiled.



The clock chimed eleven. Everyone except Lorcan, Elide, Rowan, and Aelin were merry on wine. Aelin rubbed her tiny bump, all the questions buzzing around in her head, giving her a headache.

"I think it's time for our Queen to go to bed," Rowan announced to the party.

She touched his arm. "It's fine, I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway."

"Aelin," he frowned at her. "You need to rest. It's surprising that the child has survived weeks at sea, Maeve, Cairn, Erawan, travelling... It's been a stressful day. You need to rest."

Aelin rolled her eyes. "Ok, ok." She sighed, and held open the door.

She kissed Elide's cheek and patted Lorcan's arm, not quite comfortable kissing his cheek. She wished Gavriel and Fenrys a goodnight as they left. She kissed Chaol's cheek, then Nesryn's.

"You're a clever woman," she whispered in Nesryn's ear. "Keep an eye out for the face to the magic threat."

Nesryn gave her a wicked grin before she took Chaol's arm and left her chambers.

She kissed Aedion's cheek and hugged Lysandra. Aelin congratulated the couple again, as they took the last bottle of wine with them and scuttled to their rooms.

Dorian hugged Aelin. "Goodnight, Your Majesty."

"Goodnight, Your Majesty."

Manon gripped Aelin's hand tightly and kissed her cheek. She whispered to Aelin, "Tell him." She gave Aelin one last pointed look as she walked away on Dorian's arm.

"Tell me what?" Rowan asked as she closed the door.

"To stop fussing. It was a celebration, buzzard. I was planning on staying up to see the sunrise." She walked to the dressing room. "I hope we didn't ruin it for everyone else."

Rowan followed her. "Something tells me that we didn't ruin it for them, we probably just made their night a whole lot more entertaining."

Aelin laughed. "I feel sorry for the guards that patrol past all our rooms." She stepped out of her dress. "It must sound like a pack of howling dogs to them."

"You don't howl, Aelin," Rowan murmured. "You moan - and you beg."

"Shut up," she said as she stepped out in the most scandalous night gown she could find. It was white and modest (as all of the ones the servants had brought in were) but it was the most see-through.

Rowan stiffened when he saw her.

"I know, the servants think I like to cover up my body," she laughed. She looked down and frowned. "And I guess that nightgown you love so dearly wouldn't look the same with a bump."

Rowan rushed towards her. "You could be as big as a sea dragon and I would still be attracted to you. It's just...that gown is so...see-through. I wouldn't even have to undress you."

"Ah, shame," Aelin teased as she headed to the bedroom.

"What did Manon want you to tell me?" He asked as she sat on the bed.

"From that to Manon?" Aelin raised her brow.

"Don't even try that, Aelin. You know you was trying to distract me from that. I don't think about anyone that way besides you," Rowan said as he sat beside her, his eyes sliding to the nightgown.

Aelin sighed. "Do you want to know what we are having?"

Rowan looked at her and furrowed his brows. "A ball? A coronation? Breakfast?"

Aelin shook her head. "We should have a ball though, a celebration of making it alive through everything."

"Aelin," Rowan growled.

She fell back on to the bed. "Do you want to know if we are having a son or a daughter?" She studied the intricate carving of the bed posts.

Rowan leant over her. "That's what Manon told you?" Aelin nodded. "And you weren't going to tell me that?"

"I was... I was trying to get my head around things." It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the complete truth, either.

"Why does it matter? Surely a surprise would have been better?" Rowan asked. She didn't look at him. When she didn't reply, he gripped her chin. "Why does it matter, Aelin?"

She swallowed. "I needed to know in case that I don't make it, Rowan. There's an even chance I might not live to see what sex my child will be."

Rowan looked stricken for a few seconds. He shook his head. "We won't think about that yet. Not tonight. Not when it's a time for us to be happy."

Aelin nodded. "I need to run some errands tomorrow, I want you to explore the castle grounds. Meet the staff, the guards, anyone who might be important to our safety."

"Don't worry, Aelin. I'll find out whoever is threatening us." He kissed her. "What errands does a Queen need to run?"

"Queenly errands," Aelin answered.

Rowan huffed a laugh into her neck. She wasn't ready to discuss him with it. Probably saving it for another one of her heart-stopping moments.

"So, what are we having?" Rowan asked as he scratched her neck with his canines.

"What?" she breathed.

"Male or female?"

"What do you want it to be?" She met his eyes.

"I don't care so long as they're healthy," he said, his face so close to hers.

"Well, King Rowan Whitethorn Galathynius," she said teasing him again. "You are going to have a daughter."

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