Chapter 31

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This chapter is dedicated to Tidela471 for never failing to comment and following this fanfic since the beginning. Enjoy :)

Aelin couldn't sleep. The pain from the speeding spell had kept her up. She had been exhausted from dancing with everyone at the ball.

The moment her daughter kicked, her and Rowan had stopped dancing. They spent the next hour letting everyone feel it kick.

Kicking at roughly eight weeks... Aelin shook her head. She wasnt eight weeks. She was the size of a woman who was due to go into labour any day.

She headed to the bathroom to relieve herself. It was a difficult challenge as the massive bump got in the way. She looked in the mirror at the shirt that wouldnt button up around her stomach. They hadn't been able to purchase bigger clothes in time.

She groaned at her pale, scarred reflection. She was huge. Her stomach looked like a massive zit that was ready to explode. Aelin hoped that the zit would pop soon so she didn't have to get any bigger.

I could give a sea dragon a run for its money. At least she didnt have to spend nine whole months of being uncomfortable - even if her life might be limited to a few days.

When she wobbled back into the bedroom, Rowan was gone.

Aelin padded down the hall towards Lysandra and Aedion's room. She knocked and Lysandra's face peered round the door.

"What's wrong?" the shifter asked.

"Is Aedion with you?" The shifter shook her head. "Where have they gone?"

Lysandra sighed. "He woke us up. They've gone after the witch."

Nesryn, Yrene, Elide, and Chaol joined them outside Lysandra's room.

"We were asked to check on you in shifts," Yrene explained.

"We've come to sort out the rotation," Nseryn added.

"Who has gone with Rowan and Aedion?" Aelin hugged the zit. She resisted the urge to prod it to see if it would start her labour.

"Lorcan, Gavriel, Fenrys, Manon, Dorian, Ilias, and Ansel," Elide told her.

Ansel had experience with witches and Manon being a witch herself... they'll be fine.

Aelin growled. "I should have gone with them."

"And done what, exactly?" Nesryn asked looking at her giant belly.

"Go back to bed, Aelin," Chaol ordered.

She shook her head. "I can't sleep." She rubbed her bump. "It won't stop wriggling."

Yrene chuckled. "It's getting into position."

Aelin tried to look at the floor. Her stomach got in the way. "Would you all spend the night together?"

Chaol asked why but the women understood and nodded.

Lysandra explained to him, "This could be her last night ever."

Chaol's eyes gleamed in the candle light. "If that is the case...then let's spend the night in the Garden of the Brave so you can see the stars."


Rowan wasn't happy about leaving his mate due to go into labour any day now, but he needed this witch to be dead.

He told the women and Chaol to stay behind so Aelin would be protected if the witch came for their child. He wasn't going to do the same mistake he did to Lyria.

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