Chapter 22

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Aelin had updated her will just incase she died during child birth.

She kept Celaena Sardothein's original will - the money she had in Adarlan and the warehouse was Chaol's.

She left all her jewels and dresses to Lysandra and Evangeline. Dorian could have all her books. Ansel would have Kasia, her Asterion mare. Nesryn could have Aelin's knives. Manon could have Goldryn to use along side Wind-Cleaver. Her daughter could have her tiara and the amulet of Orynth. Elide would get the eye of Elena (though mangled Aelin believed it would still protect her). Lorcan, Gavriel, and Fenrys would be left with a small sum of money and a single jewel each. Rowan...he was left everything else. He was left the kingdom. He was left her perfumes, her soaps, the pianoforte, all her nightgowns, any rings she got in the future. Except if she finally bought a wedding ring. She wanted that to be kept with her at all times.

Aelin had met Lysandra and the others. They shopped around, hiding under their cloaks. When the found a small cafe to have lunch in, Aelin had made the women swear they wouldn't tell anyone else about the will unless Aelin died. They all had paled by they promised they would keep their mouths shut.

They arrived back at the castle in the late afternoon, the servants collecting their purchases.

Aelin spoke to her staff and gave them their orders before she went to join Dorian and the others.

She found them in one of the meeting halls her father used to ban her from. She had came in once for him to kiss her goodnight. The Lords had cooed at her then as her father guided her to the nearest servant, kissed her goodnight and explained that he would be in a meeting and shouldnt be disturbed.

Aelin swallowed the lump in her throat. The others looked up, either sensing her arrival or her emotions. She didnt care what they thought.

"How is the rebuilding of Adarlan?" she asked, smoothly moving around the table to stand between Rowan and Dorian.

Rowan gave her a sly smile then kissed her head. "Finished with your errands?"

"Uh-huh." Aelin studied the map of Adarlan and the notes they had laid messily out on the table.

"The witches followed Manon's orders that she sent and have returned to the Wastes," Dorian explained.

"Those who didn't," Manon added, "like my grandmother, who followed Erawan, have fled. There whereabouts are unknown." Aelin saw the flicker of rage in Manon's face.

"My father gathered enough money to make rebuilding the people's homes and clearing out the rubble - including the palace - doable," Dorian explained.

"Hollin will just have to go without such expensive gifts," Chaol said, amusement burning in his eyes.

"You found him?" Aelin asked, not sure whether to be happy because it was Dorian's family or whether to be disappointed because the young prince was an arrogant brat.

Dorian nodded. "And my mother. My father hid Anielle."

"That was the real reason my father had showed up," Chaol said. "He knew they fled to Anielle but not even he knew where."

"Some of your Fae friends helped me track them, Aelin," Dorian said and gestured to an adjoining meeting room.

The doors opened and Emrys, Luca, and Malakai walked towards the table. Aelin stiffened.

"Your Majesty," Emrys swept a bow. The other two copying him.

Aelin ran over, hugging them tight. They laughed and Luca warned her to be careful.

"We heard the wonderful news," Luca said, touching her stomach.

Rowan let out a low, quiet growl. Aelin told him to hush.

Malakai chuckled. "You think us males are territorial of our mates alone, Luca. You'll soon learn that if the mate is with child the territorial side is just as bad as when a claiming happens."

Luca laughed. His amusement died when he glanced at Rowan.

"Did she hurt you?" Aelin gripped Emrys hand.

"No, my dear girl." He said, knowing shr meant Maeve, "We know what happened to you."

"Let's not dwell on that," she said before he could apologise for something that wasnt his fault.

"You are a Queen," Luca laughed as he took in her court.

Emrys nodded. "Your mother would be so proud."

Aelin whispered, "I know." She turned to her court, watching them. "Go meet everyone."

Emrys headed towards the table, Malakai right behind. Luca paused in front of her and Rowan.

"Who would have thought that you would be carrying his child?" He said, ignoring Rowan's death stare. "You two were at each other's throats last winter." He shook his head with a smile. "The legendary Rowan Whitethorn has been tamed by a wild creature."

Aelin laughed and introduced him to the others.

As they all settled around the table, Aelin placed two hands on it and leant on them.

"I have decided to organise a ball where I shall announce important decisions," she told them. "I want everyone who allied with us to attend."

Rowan stared at his wife.

Aedion spoke up, "Is that wise with the threat against us?"

"I believe that whoever is threatening us will not take any chances when rules from the rest of this continent and those from the Southern continent will be joining us."

"It would be a death sentence," Lysandra confirmed.

Luca stared at Aelin in awe. He seemed to be impressed by her Queenliness.

"We must have this ball in three days time," Aelin told them. "Any later and our allies may feel...unappreciated."

Lorcan nodded. "Elide and I will be leaving for Perranth tonight. We will return the morning of the ball."

Elide nodded her agreement.

"What sort of decisions will be made?" Aedion asked.

"My dear cousin, haven't you learned by now?" Aelin teased. "I live for these moments."

Lysandra grinned at Aelin. "It's the Queen's birthday in a few weeks." She poked her tongue out at Aelin.

Aelin glared at the shifter. "It is not important."

Rowan growled. "It is very much so."

"You celebrated alone last year," Emrys frowned.

"My birthday is ages away yet," Aelin waved her hand.

"It is during the colder months," Aedion announced. "It may be difficult for some of us to travel by then."

Aelin remembered how cold it had been back in Mistward...until Rowan let her sleep in his bed.

"We can discuss this nearer the time," Aelin demanded. "We have the celebration ball, we have Aedion and Lysandra's engagement, and our coronation."

"And the little one," Luca added.

"I plan for the coronation to be sometime next week," Aelin informed them.

Lysandra nodded at Aedion. He smiled and said, "We plan to marry two weeks after your coronation."

"I dispatch orders to Ardalan to begin rebuilding," Dorian announced. "After the wedding I will return to my kingdom to oversee things. But I will return before the weather prevents travelling to be possible." He smiled at Aelin. "To wish you a happy birthday, see how the heir is doing, and to sort Yulemas gifts."

Aelin bowed her head in agreement and respect to the King of Adarlan.

"Gavriel and Fenrys," Aelin turned to them. "Get Rolfe here as soon as you can."

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