Chapter 9

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Hello! I'm ba-ack :D Hope y'all had a nice weekend. Again, all rights go to the talented Sarah J Maas.

Everyone stood on the deck gaping at Aelin and Rowan. She sighed and handed her knives over to Rowan, and then propped herself on the railing.

Dorian grinned. "Congratulations," he murmured and turned to the others.

Aedion's face went from shock to anger. "Another bombshell of yours, Aelin?"

She picked at her nails, pretending not to care. She glanced at Lysandra and shrugged her eyebrows. Lysandra gave her a smile filled with joy, but also worry. Aelin frowned.

"What's wrong?" she asked Lysandra.

The shifter shook her head. "I was just thinking about Evangeline."

Aedion placed a steady hand on Lysandra's back. "What are we supposed to say to Darrow?"

Manon clicked her tongue. "Who cares about that? What really matters is who won the bet if the fight was cancelled?"

Aelin snorted and Rowan crossed his arms. Aelin leant on her knee, letting the ship's movements rock her. Choal came and sat beside her.

"Before we took down the King of Adarlan," Choal said, ignoring Dorian's hard stare. "I thought you were some sort of monster. That we would need protecting from you." Rowan growled. "But I never got the chance to apologise. I never let you explain - or trusted you. For that I am sorry."  Aelin waved her hand at him. "So, I won't make that mistake this time. What do you think about it all?"

Aelin blinked. She was surprised that Choal was the only one with a sensible head on his shoulders. Nesryn smiled at her husband. "Thank you, Captain Westfall-"


"Lord Westfall," Aelin said, rolling her shoulders. "No one else has asked me, considering I'm planning to be their Queen when we get home."

"Darrow will make out that it will be another weapon - a monster," Aedion said, clenching his fists. "He will use it against you to stop you from being Queen."

"Like I was a monster? People were scared of me and my power." Just like those librarians when she had been eight years old - or even her own mother. Aelin said, meeting Rowan's eyes, "I learnt to control and master my fire. We can help our child do the same." Aelin smiled. "I had a wonderful teacher."

Rowan grunted.

"He was mean and vicious....practically bullied me..." she teased.

Rowan shot her a look that said you'll pay for this later.

She stuck out her tongue at him.

"Aelin, this is serious," Aedion snapped.

Rowan growled but she had already hopped off the railing and squared up to her cousin. "You think I don't know that? After everything we've been through, you still doubt me, cousin. When I am Queen, you will owe me respect. You will owe my child respect."

"If," Aedion whispered, "if you become Queen."

Aelin clenched and unclenched her fists. She couldn't - wouldn't - fight her beloved cousin. But what else could she do?

"Is this because you won't be next in line anymore, General?" Manon cocked her head. "Because Aelin has produced an heir?"

Aedion tightened his jaw.  "The Lords of Terrasen have to recognise it as your heir."

"They will recognise it," Aelin spat.

"Why, will you threaten them, Aelin? Will you burn them? Will you-"

"Are you spoiling for a fight, cousin?" Aelin said, bracing her feet. She stuck up a finger to make Rowan back off. "I'll fight you if that is what you wish."

Aedion swallowed. "No. I don't want a fight. I just..." he sighed, "I just wish you would share your plans with me."

That wasn't it. Aelin searched his eyes. He was lying.

"Do you wish you had the glory?" Manon challenged. Aedion didn't answer. "You are an idiot to think so. I'm sure your Queen would agree that we all share the glory. We all did our part in this war. However, only Aelin can rule Terassen...unless you plan to kill her."

Everyone stared at Aedion, his face turning red. Aelin knew it wasn't that either. Aelin hopped back up on to the railing.

"Leave us," she ordered. Everyone, except Rowan left her and Aedion on her own. She nodded at Rowan who took a few steps away.

Aedion stalked to stand in front of her. He rubbed his face and sighed. "You are my Queen, Aelin. This child is the heir. It's and Rowan being married, and Manon ruling the Wastes, and Dorian being King of Adarlan..." He looked helpless. "Where do I fit in?"

Aelin tapped her chin in thought. "You are Terrasen's General. You are Lysandra's love - and hopefully soon, husband. You are the son of a legendary fae warrior."

"I know, I know," he said, looking at Lysandra.

"You have made history, fighting with all of us," Aelin added. Aedion frowned. "What is it really, cousin? You can tell me anything."

He leant against the railing beside her. They both looked at Lysandra. "I just want to be able to give her what she really deserves."

"A home, Aedion," Aelin said, watching the shifter chat to Nesryn. "Just give her a home."

He nodded. "And what of Evangeline? I can't be a father, Aelin. Not yet."

She huffed a laugh. "I am supposed to be a mother to a powerful fae child and rule a kingdom. You can figure that one out on your own."

Aedion grinned. "I never let you tell us what you thought about your news, did I?"

"I think Darrow will turn my child into a weapon or a monster. He will use it against me. My child may be powerful. It may not. I think there's a chance I might not survive childbirth. I think I will get fat-" he laughed - "I think I will be a terrible mother."

Aedion furrowed his brows, probably taking the fact that she could torture a man in many ways, even skin him alive.

"But what I do know," she said, interrupting his thoughts. "Is that this child will be loved and protected by everyone here on this deck. Just like I know that you will be a good father to Evangeline - ready or not."

Aedion placed his hands on his elbows. He smiled at her. "You're going to make one hell of a Queen." He bowed.

"Besides," she said, hopping of the railing once again, "you're going to be an uncle."

"Uncle Aedion," he mused. "How about that."

Aelin restrained herself from punching his face.

Aedion laughed. "You're right, you know," he said and she stopped to face him. "You are going to get fat."

She punched him.

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