Chapter 33

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Rowan laid a panting Aelin on to their bed, he propped up their pillows behind her back.

Yrene was there already taking Aelin's undergarments off.

Rowan brushed Aelin's hair back from her sweaty forehead. She gripped his shirt.

"Promise me," she breathed.

Rowan shook his head. You're going to be ok.

"Promise me," Aelin howled.

Rowan ignored her burning hand. He nodded. "I promise."

"Lysandra will help." Aelin squeezed her eyes shut, her face going red as she roared from the pain.

"Majesty," Yrene said. "You're going to have to push."

Rowan gripped his mate's hand. "I'm here, Fireheart, I'm here."

He could feel the heat coming off her body. Aelin's fire wanted to come out to play.

Rowan ordered Nesryn, who sat in the foyer to fill up the bath will cold water ready. Just like he had back at Mistward.

"Aelin, push," Yrene ordered. Aelin almost crushed his hand as she screamed.

It felt like another hundred years before Yrene said, "The child is crowning."

Rowan almost sank with relief. His wife was still alive and his child was almost there to greet them.

Aelin frantically shook her head, her body was drenched in sweat. Her eyes flickered.

"You need to push," Yrene told her, "One last big push. Once the shoulders are out then the rest is easy."

Aelin shook her head.

"Push, Fireheart," Rowan murmured to her.

She lifted her turquoise eyes, glazed with pain to meet his green ones. She screamed as she pushed one last time.

"That's it!" Yrene coaxed her and then-

A young innocent cry came from the end of the bed. Rowan smiled at his mate.

"You did it, Majesty," Yrene said, wrapping the tiniest person Rowan had ever seen in an ivory blanket.

"Aelin," Rowan breathed. "She's so beautiful."

He turned to his wife, who was now encased in flames. The bed began to burn. Rowan handed his daughter back to Yrene and reached for Aelin, ignoring the burns he got from touching her.

He froze the water in the bathtub and dumped her in. Her eyes were shut but the water began to boil. He took her out and refreezed the water, cooling her body.

Yrene hurried in with his daughter. "What shall I do with the little one?"

"Give her to Nesryn. Tell her to find Lysandra," Rowan barked as his wife burnt his skin.

Each time he pulled her out she errupted in storm of fire and he would put her straight back into the bath.

As he lowered his wife into another frozen bath, he glanced at his daughter wriggling in Yrene's arms. Her big blue eyes reflected Aelin's flames. His daughter got one of her tiny hands fr3e from the blanket.

A blast of water hit Aelin, her flames going out instantly....

And staying out.


Aelin's breathing was hard and heavy as she watched Yrene pass their daughter to Rowan. She smiled at them before she gave into the darkness.

The darkness was a mixture of burning and freezing. Until it finally sank into her bones, and her magic could no longer summon its strength. Was this what a burnout felt like?

The pain she had gone through... Cairn had really gone full out, and tease her with the future she'll never have?

Aelin let the tears slip. She didn't want to let Maeve win but...

Who was she kidding? Maeve had already won when she held the knife to Elide's throat.

Aelin felt the shackles tighten around her wrists. Would she ever be free of them? Or would they bury her with chains still on her?

Aelin cried out and reached out in front of her. She had only moved them a few inches before they hit the cold, iron wall of the coffin Maeve had put her in.

She prayed that Rowan would have that future, even if it wasn't with her, because he deserved that much.

Aelin turned in her damp clothes, damp with her blood. Would she ever see sunlight again?

Aelin just wished that Maeve had played out the vision long enough that she could hear her daughter's name.

Don't worry, it's not the end (I know it's long but my brain was like "what if this happened...") Hope youre enjoying it so far. Only a few more chapters until I'll end this fanfic so please hang in there :)(:

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