Chapter 35

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There was a knock on Aelin's door as she scooped up a spoonful of porridge. The door cracked open and Lysandra's head popped round.

"Are you going to come in, or do that every time?" Aelin asked.

"Just making sure you're not...busy," Lysandra chuckled and opened the door. A barking Fleetfoot came rushing at Aelin and jumped up at her.

"That hasn't stopped you before," Rowan grumbled at the shifter.

Aelin stroked the dog and told it to be quiet as Elentiya was sleeping in the next room. The dog instantly obeyed and curled up by Aelin's feet.

"Majesty?" A quiet voice asked from behind Lysandra. Evangeline stepped into view.

"Good morning, Evangeline," Aelin smiled at the girl.

She skipped over to the table and helped herself to a piece of toast.

"Sorry, she wanted to see the little one," Lysandra said as she joined them. "I brought Fleetfoot because I thought you might like to see the dog before today."

Aelin smiled at her friend.

"It's a good thing you like dramatic entrances," Lysandra said, pouring herself a cup of tea. "Apparently everyone in the kingdom is dying to see you and Elentiya during your coronation."

Rowan grunted. "I don't think we should make her first public appearance at two days old."

Aelin frowned. Any royal related to her had to be there - it was tradition. She would have gone to her Uncle Orlon's coronation, had she been born.

"Do not worry," Lysandra said. "Aedion and I will take care of her whilst you both are being crowned. Evangeline is to stand with Luca, Emrys, Malakai, and Murtaugh. Ren is to stand with Aedion and myself to guard the Princess."

Aelin stirred her porridge. "My biggest worry is that I will fall flat on my face with so many people watching. How can I be a capable Queen if I cannot even walk in front of everyone?"

Lysandra laughed. "Aelin, you were an assassin. You've played this part plenty of times."

"But today I will not be an assassin," she pointed out.

Lysandra shook her head.

"You have done more than they could ever imagine," Rowan said, sipping his drink. "Ignore them and remember that you deserve it."

There was another knock at the door, but instead of the person waiting, they barged in. Rowan shot out of the chair.

Philippa clicked her tongue at the Fae-King. "Is that how I am to be greeted?"

"Philippa!" Aelin rushed to the chunky woman. Philippa clutched Aelin to her bosom. The woman wasn't in her servant's uniform. She wore a simple brown dress and her hair pinned up.

"King Dorian and Lord Westfall required my presence," she told her.

"What of you and your family?"

"My family is spread around this continent," she waved her hand. "My children travelled and settled down. My husband grew tired of Adarlan."

"So, where will you be going?" Aelin asked.

"If your Majesty will have me," Philippa curtsied.

Aelin hugged the woman. "Of course."

The clock chimed nine in the morning. Philippa clicked her tongue again. "We should start getting you ready."

Lysandra took Evangeline, telling her that she, too, should get ready.

"What's Luca's favourite colour?" Evangeline said as they left Aelin's room.

Rowan huffed a laugh. "Aedion won't like that."

Aelin noted the twinkle in Rowan's eyes. Aelin had once asked him what colour nightgown would he like to see her in. It had driven him wild.

Philippa dragged Aelin into the dressing room, leaving Rowan to finish his breakfast. Aelin showed her the gown she wished to wear and Philippa approved her choice. The woman pulled off Aelin's clothes. She stood naked and shivering. Aelin used her arms to cover her stomach.

"Do not be ashamed, my child," Philippa told her as she pulled out some undergarments. "You are not ashamed of the other scars on your body?" Aelin shook her head. "Then do not be ashamed of the scars from your child."

"It's not the scars..." Aelin said and gripped the bit of fat that she had.

Philippa wrapped a corset around her. "That will go when you start your training again. You're skinny enough to get away with that. Most girls take extreme measures to get to your size now."

Aelin smirked. She had heard of these insane diets of water and plant leaves just to lose weight. Some women would wear their corsets at all times so they would feel 'full' when eating and eat less.

"Besides," Philippa continued as she pulled the corset tight. "Your husband doesn't seem to mind."

Aelin was grinning now. No, Rowan hadn't even noticed. He had woken her up this morning with gentle kisses on her neck and nips on her mouth. They had rolled around under the sheets until screaming had interrupted. Elentiya had woken up - and even though their time had been cut short, neither of them had minded.

"Lysandra may have to child mind soon," Rowan said from the foyer. 

Aelin chuckled. Philippa sighed. "It's a rare thing - to have such a man that is still in love with you every way."

Aelin hesitated as she asked, "Does your husband still love every way?"

Philippa grinned as she reached for Aelin's gown. "My husband doesn't understand what sleep is."

Rowan laughed as he appeared in the doorway. Philippa buttoned up her gown at the back. Aelin slipped her delicate shoes on.

"You look beautiful," Rowan said, looking her up and down.

"She sure does," Philippa nodded.



Philippa had curled the bottom of Aelin's hair and entwined the curls with tiny plats. Aelin then had lined her eyes and applied some powder. She was wearing the gown her mother had worn when she had met her father. It was turquoise with a square neckline. Gold was embroidered all over it, even on the long sleeves.

Philippa offered to dress Elentiya and hurried into their bedroom.

Rowan stood frowning at Aelin. "Something is missing."

Aelin placed a crown of fire on the tops of their heads. Rowan chuckled, looking in the mirror at his own fiery crown.

"I didn't mean that," he turned back to face her. He took her left hand and slid on a gold band on to her ring finger. "Will you be my wife and Queen, all over again, Aelin?"

Aelin let out a gentle laugh. "Of course, you Buzzard. I can't change my mind now." He yanked her towards him. "And why would I want to?"

He lowered his mouth to hers. His tongue stroked her and she melted into his arms. Rowan pulled back, holding her at arms length. "Save it for after the coronation," he said, his voice hoarse.

Aelin shot a flame at him, which he ducked.

"Either you want everyone seeing me naked," Rowan said as he headed towards the door, "or you'll just have to burn my clothes later."

Aelin seriously considered if her coronation could wait one more day.

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