Chapter 8

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Might not be able to update over the weekend due to lack of internet access, so I'll leave you with this chapter. Thanks for reading, will post as soon as I can, and please enjoy :)

After having stuffed her face with food, Aelin watched as Rowan shifted into hawk form and scouted ahead. The rest of them all sat round the table.

Gavriel asked Aedion across the table, "Do you forgive me, son?"

"Did you want to serve that bitch?" Aedion countered and took a swig of ale.

Gavriel rubbed his face. "When I first took the oath... Honour was everything to my father. He was disappointed with my gift."

"Disappointed with the ability to turn into a lion?" Aelin muttered.

Gavriel gave her a sly smiled. "So when I heard that Maeve was looking for warriors, I swore the blood oath. My father was so proud." Gavriel frowned at the table. "If I only had known what Maeve was like..."

Aedion took another swig of his ale. "Yes...I forgive you."

Aelin shared a knowing smile with Lysandra.

Fenrys who had kept quiet throughout dinner broke the silence. "Would my Queen like to spar with me? You must be rusty after these few weeks."

Aelin forced herself to grin. "I have water magic, Fenrys. I cannot rust." She winked at him.

Fenrys offered her a hand and led her to the main deck. Everyone else sat or leant against the railings to watch.

"Gold coin Aelin wins," Lysandra laughed.

"Make that two," Aedion said with sure confidence.

"Make it five," Choal said from when he stood with Nesryn.

"I don't know," Manon said. "The Queen can hold herself but Fenrys has a lot of worked up anger."

Dorian snorted, looking at Choal. "Have you met Aelin?"

"Five coins on Fenrys," Gavriel said.

Lorcan huffed a laugh. "I know I'll regret but count me in, Gavriel."

Elide shook her head. "Ten coins on Aelin."

"When you are all done betting," Aelin said twisting her knives in her hand. She didn't want magic training, not when Fenrys could turn into a white wolf. Her fire could kill him in seconds.

Their swords clashed as the swirled in their own kind of dance. Both bracing, defending, and lunging at each other. Aelin caught the side Fenrys had left open and gently scratched him. She didn't want to do enough damage to call for Yrene. The poor girl needed her own rest.

Fenrys hissed as she caught him on his upper arm. He countered her move and lightly slashed her thigh. She smelt her blood through her fae senses. Just as she twirled and was about to give Fenrys another blow to his side, Rowan stepped in front of her blade.

Aelin halted. "What the rutting hell?" She hissed. She must have been so wrapped up in sparring that she had missed his shift.

"Stop this fight, Aelin," Rowan demanded.

She glared at him. "No."

"Rowan," Fenrys said from behind him, "is something wrong?"

He growled at Fenrys. "Aelin, give me your sword."

"You territorial bastard," Aelin snapped. "You spar with me if you don't like it."

"Please, don't risk this," his voice broke.

Aelin sighed, handing over Goldryn. You explain it to them, you bastard.

"You are all ordered not to spar with your Queen until told otherwise," Rowan announced.

Lysandra hopped off the railing. "What's going on?"

Choal and Dorian glanced at each other. Manon jerked her head, understanding showing in her face.

"If Aelin wishes to fight, she can do so, Whitethorn," Lorcan said from where he stood. Elide placed her hand on his arm.

Rowan marched over and bared his canines at him.

Aelin sighed again, realising how stupid she'd been. "I do not wish to fight, Lorcan."

Aedion joined Lysandra. "Don't tell me he's controlling you."

"He's not controlling me, cousin-"

"Sure seems that way," Choal remarked.

Rowan turned his glare to Aelin and lifted his shield against her scent. Everyone went quiet on deck except Elide, who whispered, "Oh, Aelin."

Aelin wrapped one hand around her waist and gripped her mate's hand. "Rowan is just protecting me and our child."

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