Chapter Ten: I'M WHERE?!

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Hello Everyone!

I hope you like this chapter! It's take me awhile because I broke half of my finger's -.- I know, no excuses but it has taken me more time to type a word when before I would have typed a whole sentence in that time.

Ugh, those boys are gonna pay for braking my finger's -.-

Okay so if your English... PLEASE DO NOT be offended in this chapter.

So here's the chapter! And maybe even a picture if I'm not too lazy :)



We landed and I practically shat myself. Taking off is alot easier than landing I’ll tell you that. Liam looked at me "Come on, we don't want to gag or tie you down again" I nodded a plan forming quickly inside my head.

Okay chill, calmly. We walked off of the plan, hoods drawn and the boy's pushed past the crowd. Not one went to grab my hands or anything, idiots! I slipped away into the opposite direction to where 'EXIT' was lit on an green sign on the roof,  "Anna?! Where are you?!" Fuck. RUN MOTHER FUDGER, RUN!

I went all out. I ran to the exit and burst out of the door and ran across the road I could faintly hear my name being called. I kept running and running. Where the hell am I? Defiantly not Canada. No snow! Damn... I wish I was in Canada, I never seen snow. We are like, umm, wait I’ll ask directions!

I stopped and looked around, freaky! All these random shopping stores I’ve never heard of, 'Jack Wills' and 'Hot Topic' I shrugged it off. I hope I’m in New Zealand! They have an awesome Chocolate factory! I panted and I could feel my face gone red and hot, man. I really need to work out more. I am not in good shape!

I stretched and looked at all the quirky people walking past, something's wrong. I frowned and shrugged. I kept walking, hoping to see something that could help me recognise where the heck I am.

I sighed and looked down at my aching feet. I frowned. I don't remember putting my converse on, oh my god! ONE DIRECTION ARE STALKER'S WHO PUT PEOPLE’S SHOES ON THEM WHEN THEIR SLEEPING! They probably went through my clothes as-well. Shiver, really creepy.

I kept walking. Okay something's off! I stopped and decided to ask someone ,"Umm, excuse me"

I grabbed someone's sleeve and they stopped and looked at me, "Yes?" wow another British bloke, lucky me.

"I was wondering where I am?" he gave me a 'are-you-alright' look'.


"Central London?" he nodded.

"Yes miss" he nodded.

"Thanks" he walked away. How the Fuck am I going to get back to bloody Canberra?! OR EVEN AUSTRALIA?!?!?! I looked around in horror. Fuck. I'm surrounded by POMS.

 [{ Author's Note: No offence to you British people! Please don't be offended! I'd kill to be British :) }]

I gaped and looked at everyone's weird clothing style, all button's up to the top and all wearing something kind of formal attire, "YOU SON'S OF A MOTHER MOOSE!" I screeched.

Really, really loud. Everyone stopped and looked at me, "What are you's looking at?! Keep walking! I'm in a crisis here! Back away people! No need for a cuppa!" I shrieked and walked away from the people looking at me.

How the hell am I in London?! I was kidnapped by One Direction, and I end up surrounded my POM'S! I don't want to be tortured! Gosh! I should see if I could meet Charlie McDonnell! I have to Google where he lives! Google has everything. I kept walking trying to entertain myself and navigate the same time… if you can call it navigating.

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