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Amal, Salmah and two of Amal's cousin are sitting in the parlor of Amal's house wrapping the gifts for bridesmaids to be given during the bridal shower.

"Assaalamu alaikum where is our very own amarya...?" Basheer said upon entering the house, with his traveling bag strapped to his shoulder.

"Oyoyo yaaya,"Amal jumped on him giving him a hug excitedly.

"My little sister all grown up, so you are getting married,huh?"He said jokingly
"Bet you will cry everyday because you won't see ummah, no shagwaba and I will have her all to myself,"He added

"Basheer, don't dare start teasing my auta, You just came in and you are trying to upset her,"ummah said coming into the parlor.
"Don't mind him Amal, you can come over to see me anytime you wish to. You know that right?"
"I am just joking ummah, are you not happy seeing me home?"He pouted dramatically like a small kid. The room erupted with laughter, he preceded to seat next to Salmah.

"Welcome yaaya, how was your journey?"Inquired Salmah

"My pretty Salmah, thank you the journey was tiring as expected,"He said raising an eyebrow jokingly

"So my wife how is school? I hope Amal has been taking care of you for me,"He said winking at her.

"Yaaya, stop making Salmah uncomfortable,"Amal said laughing while Salmah only smiled and looked away. Basheer likes joking with them and is always playful around them , he is quite charming and very handsome,with a dashing smile.

He kept on joking around with the girls even their two cousins weren't left out. After a while ummah intervene and urged him to go and drop his luggage and rest, so the girls can can do their work and stop distracting them. He had no choice but to oblige after teasing Salmah more he left them to their work and headed to his room.

"Yaaya Basheer will never change," Amal said fondly with a smile playing on her lips, "i will really miss him,"

"The house is always lively when he is around, he always erupts laughter
from everyone when he is around," Ummah added.

The Adhan for assr prayer was called and they all left to observe their prayers. Around 5 in the evening Salmah said her goodbyes not wanting to stay out late, jut then Basheer came out of his room all dressed up about to go out.

"Yaaya are you going out?"Amal asked upon seeing him all dressed up.

"Yea, I need to go see my girlfriend you know it's been a while,"He said winking at her.

"Psst, as if you have any," she said jokingly. "Can you please drop Salmah at home please,she wants to go home, and then you can go and visit your imaginary girlfriend,"she teased.

"No, he doesn't I have to I can make it on my own Amal,"Salmah said trying to dismiss the request.

"Of course, I will take you,"he said "or are you jealous because I said I would go see a girl?" He said trying to tease her. "lets go we will even get do tadi you know, without yan sa ido" he said winking at her. He left with her following him behind. When they reached his car, he opened the door for her just like a gentleman would.

They drove in silence with only the sound of music from the car radio playing some collections of The Weekend. Basheer branched into a bakery along the road, went in and brought some pastries for Salmah and a cup of ice cream. Handing it to her before dropping her at home. She thanked him and waved goodbye shaking her head.

"If I hadn't known better I had say Yaaya Basheer really likes me but I know I 'd be delusional to think like that, knowing
how he behaves with everyone,".

She muttered to herself and went In to the house smiling.

So, we get to meet the other brother , the fun and crazy brother....yey

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